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Posts posted by Hide

  1. There are programs that might help you to ease the breeding process without using your game-save, but it depends on your approach, for example:

    • There are programs that help you understand the breeding-chains required to get certain moves
    • There are programs/methods that give you an idea of what IVs your Pokémon has and will pass to their children
    • And there are means to manipulate the game so you can get shiny Pokémon, better chances of nice IVs and so on

    What do you need?

    If you are not using external devices, and do not have access to your "in-game information", I recommend you to read "the basics of breeding" and "breeding on gen 6".

    Now, in my personal experience, the easiest way to breed Pokémon with good IVs is to have parents with amazing IVs, and employ breeding items to pass the IVs to their children (you can learn about them in the links I provided above). In gen V, the easiest way to get such parents could be a private GTS.

    And finally, if you are on gen 6 you may want to *try* this method.

    - Hide

  2. Ugh... I am no longer staff but i guess i should speak.

    1. Do not bump threads that have been inactive for quite some time.

    2. Do not even remotely aid the discussion of ROMs of games without being stated as personal extraction. Otherwise should be considered as discussing pirated material.

    3. That post is from the beginning of the first week the game was released. Therefore all posts from there are to be subjected to 99% speculation.

    The only way to have hacked pokemon in Kalos is to have them imported. The ''hack checking'' system PokeBank/Transporter has sucks so bad even the hardcore trash passes. Other than that. There is no way to edit the save in any way.

    Hey there, thanks for your comments. This is not a place to discuss this, so I'll drop you a message.

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  3. Hi, Is there a 3DS emulator?

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Short answer: Yes, but it is not what you may expect.

    So, there are some prototypes and projects running around the world; if you wanna know about my personal favorite, look at this.

    Most 3ds emulators are under development; the generation shift between consoles makes it harder and harder to code new emulators; especially (among other reasons) because encryption is an easy thing to do nowadays. For example, we had to wait years until we had a proper the PS2 emu.

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  4. Alas, this might be an old thread, but the easiest way is to employ an AR with USB game-save back up:

    - Place the AR on the GBA, and then place the GBA cartridge on the AR

    - The AR can connect to the PC with an USB cable

    - Once connected, you run the program that comes with it and select the feature to back-up your game

    - You can employ those game-saves with the emulator, run the trade as the guys above described and then restore your game.

    - Do keep in mind that game saves might corrupt.



  5. Good evening,

    I believe there’s a lot of expectation regarding projects such as gen VI GTS , instacheck, pokécheck and the like, and it would be useful to have a thread with a directory of ongoing projects and their status such as this one.

    I know there are several individuals working on X/Y research, and on different projects. I know we have the PP wiki with the initial results of research. Still, I have been wondering if these people have a website or a webpage with updates or news.

    There might be people willing to help out there, hands that could be more useful sharing their skill and knowledge than waiting.

    What do you think? Comments appreciated,

    - Hide

  6. The Chained Shiny PID method creates shiny PIDIVs with modifications for a loaded ID-SID.


    The X/Y PID-IVs do not match the gen 4 method.

    So essentially, you started with your answer to receive your answer. Doesn't do any good, I'm afraid.

    Thank you very much for the comments Kaphotics; I understand what you mean, but trying doesn't do any bad as well, don't you think?

    The link you provided is quite useful and has helped me a lot! I read your comments on SVExchange, the spinda method's very interesting, do you know more about this?

    - Hide

  7. Hey there, as some off you may have noticed, I've been looking for a way to calculate the SID of a Pokémon, without the use of applications such as Instachek ('cause these are locked-down).

    My preliminary investigation shows that PIDs of chained shiny Pokémon are created in a similar fashion than in previous generations:

    • If you fetch the PKX of a chained shiny Pokémon, recreate it under Pokegén and employ the PID finder, you shall get a PID that matches the SID
    • When you take the PID and proceed to calculate the SID using the "manual method" you will get a SID value that is very close to the real SID (with a spread/margin of +/- 7 or less, meaning that if your resulting SID was "714", it might be in a range from 707 to 721). I believe such spread is the result of the normal in-game dynamics (described in the method's tutorial)
    • So, considering these results, I theorize that PID generation dynamics for CS pokémon in Gen 6 could have been retained

    If you wanna give it a try (remember, it must be a chained shiny PKX's data):

    1. Fetch PKX editor and read the Pokémon’s data

    2. Introduce the following data in pokégen:

    On the FIFTH TAB:

    • OT ID
    • OT SID
    • OT Name

    On the FIRST TAB > "F" button > PID FINDER:

    • Pokémon nature
    • Pokémon species
    • Gender (set to either)
    • Ability (set to either)
    • IVs (set to "=" on its respective drop-menu)
    • CS method

    3. Hit "Search" (you'll most likely get a single PID)

    4. Take the PID and use the aforementioned method to calculate the SID.

    How is this helpful? Well, I believe there are 2 reasons:

    • This may ease the identification of the game's Pokémon seeds
    • There are higher chances to find a SID reversing the PID generation process (I am currently working on this)

    Credits to the creators/researchers that respectively designed/deduced Pokégen & the SID manual calculation method.

    Comments appreciated,

    - Hide

  8. All pokemon were obtained ingame, the Pikachu was obtained with PokeRadar chain, Magikarp with Consecutive Fishing, all pokemon are unmodified...

    It will be difficult to obtain pkx files with current patch encryption... good luck finding some on the internet

    That's just great! I was suspecting they were CS pokémon, thank you very much Rubén.

    I don't need that many shiny pokémon, maybe one or two. I read about a shiny charizard the other day, but I don't seem to find it. By the way, do you know if there's a thread/site with the PID calculation math/literature?

    - Hide

  9. Thank you evandixon,

    Are you 100% sure? I am researching the PID generation in XY.

    Since Rubén seems to be good with coding Pokémon, I was wondering if he made these files outside of the game using his apps (or something similar).

    Also, I'll really appreciate it if someone could post more shiny PKX files!

    PD. Please include the gender of the pokémon.


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