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Status Replies posted by jojo12100

  1. I encountered these two Pokémon in the Battle Tree today. Serebii's catalogue said they were holding Smooth Rocks, but judging their movesets, I thought they were supposed to hold Heat Rocks and so decided to dump them and see wether they were actually holding wrong items or it was just an error in the page.
    And..well...turns out they're actually holding Smooth Rocks.

    Now I wonder wether this is an actual error or they just did it deliberately in order to give the player some "advantage" in the relatively early battles (between 20th and 30th). I mean, they haven't fixed this in any of the updates, whereas they fixed the Shell Smash Kommo-o, a Hawlucha (Idk what was the problem with that one) and the Battle Royal's Stockpile Shuckle.

    1. jojo12100


      It only appears in the 1st versions not after the updates but I think you knew that.

      Good luck ^^

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  2. I encountered these two Pokémon in the Battle Tree today. Serebii's catalogue said they were holding Smooth Rocks, but judging their movesets, I thought they were supposed to hold Heat Rocks and so decided to dump them and see wether they were actually holding wrong items or it was just an error in the page.
    And..well...turns out they're actually holding Smooth Rocks.

    Now I wonder wether this is an actual error or they just did it deliberately in order to give the player some "advantage" in the relatively early battles (between 20th and 30th). I mean, they haven't fixed this in any of the updates, whereas they fixed the Shell Smash Kommo-o, a Hawlucha (Idk what was the problem with that one) and the Battle Royal's Stockpile Shuckle.

    1. jojo12100


      Hope that you'll dump the Stockpile Shuckle one day :x

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  3. @jojo12100 I'm sorry but I don't have access to my 3DS for a while so I can't help with anything that can't be done on Citra.

    1. jojo12100


      No problem. In my side I don't have Luma but Gateway in my 3DS so it crashes every time I tested it.

      But as hackers say when you can't go through a problem skirt it ^^

  4. 599cb7de465ab_Sinttulo.png.f67086528efbe0d7558c229b8e7bfa20.png

    "Owww, what a sweet little g-- wait, what?!"




    It's the illegal Kommo-o, too. The one with Shell Smash wich was changed to Drago Meteor in an update, but since I don't have said update I had to deal with the Shell Smash thing.



    Now, she was a real hassle, but...


    Here, I have the illegal Kommo-o on my side now! And a decent Azelf set (for an AI) as a bonus:


    ...Tbh, I knew from the start there were preschoolers with legendaries in the Battle Tree and I was looking forward to find one. On that note, this same girl has got a neat Mega-Latios set I'd have liked to scout her with.


    1. jojo12100


      Yes, this unfamous one.

      If you see it please record the battle and upload it ^^


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. 599cb7de465ab_Sinttulo.png.f67086528efbe0d7558c229b8e7bfa20.png

    "Owww, what a sweet little g-- wait, what?!"




    It's the illegal Kommo-o, too. The one with Shell Smash wich was changed to Drago Meteor in an update, but since I don't have said update I had to deal with the Shell Smash thing.



    Now, she was a real hassle, but...


    Here, I have the illegal Kommo-o on my side now! And a decent Azelf set (for an AI) as a bonus:


    ...Tbh, I knew from the start there were preschoolers with legendaries in the Battle Tree and I was looking forward to find one. On that note, this same girl has got a neat Mega-Latios set I'd have liked to scout her with.


    1. jojo12100


      Speaking about Z-move tutorial I tried to get it but I failed during totem quest. Will be great to get it and also the illegal Shuckle too.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. 599cb7de465ab_Sinttulo.png.f67086528efbe0d7558c229b8e7bfa20.png

    "Owww, what a sweet little g-- wait, what?!"




    It's the illegal Kommo-o, too. The one with Shell Smash wich was changed to Drago Meteor in an update, but since I don't have said update I had to deal with the Shell Smash thing.



    Now, she was a real hassle, but...


    Here, I have the illegal Kommo-o on my side now! And a decent Azelf set (for an AI) as a bonus:


    ...Tbh, I knew from the start there were preschoolers with legendaries in the Battle Tree and I was looking forward to find one. On that note, this same girl has got a neat Mega-Latios set I'd have liked to scout her with.


    1. jojo12100


      If the data of Battle Tree partners are stored in the save it's possible to extract it. @BlackShark can surely do it.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  7. 599cb7de465ab_Sinttulo.png.f67086528efbe0d7558c229b8e7bfa20.png

    "Owww, what a sweet little g-- wait, what?!"




    It's the illegal Kommo-o, too. The one with Shell Smash wich was changed to Drago Meteor in an update, but since I don't have said update I had to deal with the Shell Smash thing.



    Now, she was a real hassle, but...


    Here, I have the illegal Kommo-o on my side now! And a decent Azelf set (for an AI) as a bonus:


    ...Tbh, I knew from the start there were preschoolers with legendaries in the Battle Tree and I was looking forward to find one. On that note, this same girl has got a neat Mega-Latios set I'd have liked to scout her with.


    1. jojo12100


      Can you upload that illegal Kommo-o data for us please?

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

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