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Everything posted by $D-Money$

  1. Ok i was finally able to figure out hilbert's file location and the rivals. I extracted the RCMN, RAMN, and the file that came after both. I changed the files and then saw that nothing happend..
  2. How do i know which file is Hilbert's and which one is the rival's? Is Hilbert's 144 and the rival's 127? Because I was just guessing those were the files because they showed up in bwse like that
  3. Ok i don't know if I did this right. The first image shows what I think is the rival's file, 127 The second image shows what I think is Hilbert's file, 144 So what I did is I extracted both and then I clicked on Cambinar (Which I think means Change File) I clicked file 127, then i clicked change file and I picked Hilbert's File 144. I did the same thing with Hilbert's. But when I went to see if it worked in BWSE it said that it failed to decompress. Did I even find the right files? Also I noticed that my Tinke only recognized 64% of the files..
  4. Ok that makes sense... but how do I overwrite Hugh's animation with Hilbert's? Is there a specific tool I need to do that? Oh and what is the filetree and where is it?
  5. I'm a little confused. Should I copy and paste each part of my image over the image of the rival's sprite? Because what I was doing before was i just edited the image of Hilbert and then I pasted it over Hugh's front sprite.
  6. Hey. I am pretty familiar with these tools and I think that Kazo is awesome for making these. The problem I am having With Black and White 2 is inserting the front sprites into the game. I made sure the image of the rival is 16 bit colors and i insert it in the game. (This is the first image) When I face the rival the images animation is all jumbled. (Second Image) But then after i battle the rival the image looks fine (Third Image) My question is how can I get the animation of the trainer sprite to work when I insert the image?
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