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About heavy_metal

  • Birthday 12/03/1990
  1. the pkhex legality say golem and evolutions ... is ilegal in safari ball from games soul silver in 7th gen ... i was trasfer one geodude from that games and says ilegal 074 - GEODUDE - 3E3835291D9F.pk4 074 - Geodude - 068A35291D9F.pk7
  2. well in some pokemon with HA and safari ball without genre like that beldum says is legal ... 374 - Beldum - 93772A57E3B0.pk7 so beldum is legal in safari ball but without HA ... the pkhex says is legal Legal! === Valid Move 1: Relearnable Move. Valid Move 2: Empty Move. Valid Move 3: Empty Move. Valid Move 4: Empty Move. Valid Relearn Move 1: Base Egg move. Valid Relearn Move 2: Empty Move. Valid Relearn Move 3: Empty Move. Valid Relearn Move 4: Empty Move. Fishy: TID and SID are 0. Fishy: All EVs are zero, but leveled above Met Level. Fishy: Current experience matches level threshold. Valid: Able to hatch an Egg at Met Location. Valid: Nickname matches species name. Valid: All ribbons accounted for. Valid: Ability matches ability number. Valid: Ball possible for species. Valid: History block is valid. Valid: Geolocation: Country is in 3DS region. === Encounter Type: Egg (Beldum) PID Type: None
  3. nobody post the meloetta event from mexico or chile
  4. still the bug with the new version =/
  5. false positive stoutland with dw (scrappy) its avaliable so pokecheck mark hack pokemon http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=328723
  6. heavy_metal


    same thread, same problem http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?26573-some-problems
  7. https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=92647 false positive, wrong name of pokeball (says dream ball but, the ball its park ball) *i know its a hax pokemon i was download some moltres with morning sun falso positivo, incorrecto nombre de pokeball (dice que es sueño ball pero la pokebola es parque ball) *ya se que es un hax pokemon solo buscaba descargar algun moltres con sol matinal
  8. available only in usa? cuz in mexico no available neither
  9. hello some know if is possible use "abusing Rng" in desmume, if is possible some good player can post the tutorial (i know my english no isnt good) maybe i post in wrong site please move this thanks
  10. yes i can change the kyurem shiny in pokedex in english but is more easy in spanish i mean for me is more comfortable , well i have the same trouble with change for like kyurem shaymin, giratina... , i cant set a normal kyurem in black 2 without change form (in all lenguages) sorry for post after a long time
  11. 2 problems 1) i cant edit i was seen kyurem shiny in the pokedex in pokegen, when i was click the bottom shiny the program automatic close (in spanish version) 2) i cant put my kyurem normal in pokegen when i click in "set" this kyurem is automatic kyurem black same pass with shaymin (change form) please help me and greetings and sorry my english no isnt perfect
  12. the version is black2 but spanish version
  13. my save file have extension .sav i load one copy in desmume or nosgba and still no work the three savs (from desmume, from my flashcard, from nosgba) no works
  14. this app dont work with sav from flashcards =S (my english no is good)
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