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Shadow link

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Everything posted by Shadow link

  1. I'm having the same problem with latias in OR, is there any solution? :frown:
  2. In the battle subway when you make a rest stop after 7 victories in the key items like dowsing machine the message from professor juniper has a tiny bug it writes "uniper" not "juniper" only want to inform.
  3. Well, after talk to all people in unova I discovered another guy in accumula town it's the one of the drums in the most upper house with a blank dialogue, but the other two I think they are characters who said only one time a diferent dialogue before you beat the pokemon league, because when I talked with all the people around unova they not appeared again and I don't remember who they are. I'm sorry but that's all the info that I have. Another tiny bug is in the pokemon world tournament in the mix category in the name of your pokemon exchanged a space is missing. Hope you can fix it.
  4. In the patch V4 there are 2 blank dialogues. Only wanted notify that bug. Thank you for the attention.
  5. Well just wanted to say this: The V3 patch it's a good one, but in the plasma frigate the password it's something hard to obtain because the hints are in japanese, so please if you could translate the hints if that not much to ask, I already pass it but could be difficult for new players. that's all thank you for your attention and for the effort
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