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Everything posted by Zapdos96

  1. I'm Sorry I saw wrong, I tought it was an Important Topic. I know the Pokégen is better than Pokésav
  2. When I download the PokéSav of Diamond and Pearl from the site, my antivirus find a virus Trojan
  3. Zapdos96


    I want help, I want translate the Pokésav, I've started with HG SS and i Want Chack the Italian Pokégen (I don't use Google translator, i'm native;) )
  4. The Pokecheck doesn't know The Nobunaga's Rayquaza
  5. White Kyurem rulz W PoKémon White and Zekrom
  6. Welcome
  7. Welcome
  8. Hi, I'm Zapdos96, i knew this community thanks the Pokécheck (I wrote the Italian translation togheter an other), my real name isn't Zapdos , but Simone and I'm Italian, and this is all. Sorry if my English is bad
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