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Posts posted by Okami

  1. I suppose not, indeed =P Score one for Okami? lol

    You'll like it here, we're all a bit of crazy~

    Ooh, complete pokedex legitly? Good job ^^ I'm working on that in Platinum, myself. Needless to say it isn't easy!

  2. Any friend of Greeny's is a friend of mine. *bows* Welcome to the Project~

    And I always thought it was root beer, but that's just me being modest. (What? It froths the same way!!)

  3. Oh, behave, telos! :tongue: She's still not my clone.

    EDIT: I accidently put 'close' and Kiku said "Clothes?! Of COURSE I'm not your clothes, that's disgusting!" =P

  4. Welcome to the Project. Could I call you Subby? Almost everyone here has a nickname by me ending in y, and if they don't, I have other names for them! :tongue:

  5. I used to play. I was okamiyoukai, I believe...everyone called me "Oka" it drived me crazy >.< And of course, because I was a lvl-60 in full Rune armor who didn't like to go into the wilderness...I had all the boys following me, hitting on me. That was why I quit. The dang perverted boys were EVERYWHERE!

    *goes to check if her account is still active*

    EDIT: Wow, it's still there, active. I was last on 534 days ago....xD ...How the heck did I remember my password? o__O Geez, I need to change my routine passwords!

  6. I'm in 100% agreeance with Greeny here.

    Don't turn this into a huge debate, please, guys. It was never meant to be like that! Open discussion is fine, that's what this thread is here for, just don't abuse it ;)

    We are artists, using our recreational talent with programs designed for artistic purposes (GIMP, Photoshop, etc.) to better the community.

    Yes, the avatar artists have the badges created by myself, and the sig artists have their thread badges as well. As I see it, those are more primarily for entering the thread (for newer members especially, perhaps unsure where to go, we all remember those days...at least I do anyways)

    The badge we are discussing is different from that. It's go a question swirling in my head, where would any of us be without art? Not just art per ce, but music, poetry (writing in general). Creativity and imagination. Without them at all, we wouldn't know any difference; because we DO know those things, it would be dull...black and white, if you will.

    We are helpers, not in posts or rating teams like some. We are the artsy group, the group that everybody loves or just loves to hate. :] ...Think of that as in terms of Highschool cliques and stereotypes, it's totally true.

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