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Posts posted by Okami

  1. As much as I hate to say it, I must agree with Deities there. But I know for some people, who have people in the family who are allergic to dogs, or for those who don't have the money to afford one, this game helps ease the pain of not being able to have the real thing.

    I have four dogs and had this game, and it was fun for a while, while the newness value lasted. Once that was gone, however, the excitement went out the door and I eventually returned it for something more worthwhile of my time, like my actual dogs.

  2. I agree with what Wraith said about helpful member's badge being towards helpful posts. That's how I felt about it, which is why I came to suggest this in the first place.

    And the same goes with agreeing with Kunai, I feel the effort the artists make here is impactful to the community, helping to bring it alive in color. It should be noticed.

    Again having to agree with Telos...let's not get distracted with bringing username colors into it. :] That can come later (if at all,) if this gets resolved to have the badge.

    So far there are three choices we have towards what this badge may look like:

    Smeargle Icon

    Artist's Palette

    Rainbow Badge

    Any of them would be sufficient in my eyes; though the rainbow badge would be the only one of the three to truly match the other badges already in place.

    I mean...just look at how pretty it is!


  3. Is there any way to expand the memory, Naru? I don't know much about macs, have only played with them a little bit at the Apple store and once in my Journalism class. I don't much like the interface, as compared to Microsoft (Not blaming you for choosing otherwise :)) But that's due to the fact that I grew up with my dad working with Microsoft computers. Plus, he said that HE would be the first one to own an Apple computer in our household. *rolls eyes* Men.

    Congrats on coming to a quick conclusion!!

  4. Let us not get too distracted by username color, guys.

    Just wanted to share a small journey of internet dictionaryism I took today. It relates to this, so I figured I'd share.

    One of the definitions of "Creative" from dictionary.com caught my eye today, it simply stated

    originative; productive

    Unsure exactly what it meant by originative, I dug a little deeper.

    having or characterized by the power of originating; creative.

    Digging deeper, I went to creator,

    a person or thing that creates.

    From creator, I went into the thesaurus, coming across artist. Synonyms for the word artist included

    artist; painter, limner, drawer, sketcher, designer, engraver; master, old master; draughtsman; copyist, dauber, hack; enamel, enameler, enamelist; caricaturist; illustrator; cartoonist; graphic artist., historical painter, landscape painter, marine painter, flower painter, portrait painter, miniature painter, miniaturist, scene painter, sign painter, coach painter; engraver; Apelles; sculptor, carver, chaser, modeler, figuriste, statuary; Phidias, Praxiteles; Royal Academician., photographer, cinematographer, lensman, cameraman, camera technician, camera buff; wildlife photographer.

    As you can see from that, there are many ways in which a person can be an artist. From there, I went back to the dictionary page, at the first definition that came up for artist was this:

    a person who produces works in any of the arts that are primarily subject to aesthetic criteria.
    Notice the S. Works. That alone is enough to say what I've been saying for this badge: it is not enough to give one image and call it a day.

    For those of you who don't know, aesthetic means this,

    pertaining to a sense of the beautiful

    Which is exactly what we, as image makers (whether for signature or avatar) are. We are artists, creating beautiful pieces of artwork for the enjoyment of those around us. :]

  5. I personally think we need to overcome the obstacle of whether or not we'll recieve the badge before adding complications with name color =/ We aren't starving artists ( :tongue: ) we're simply trying to make this forum a better place, is all. :]

    But, since we have breached the topic of username color; a nice grey would be cool #3A3A3A ...Or a steel? #2D3136 And I really like this purple #7C4C9E

  6. 'Dixon is exactly right. Just because a person posts a piece of art that looks really good doesn't mean that's that and they get the badge. What would happen if that person just ripped another person's work to call it their own? That's wrong in every possible way. Art theft angers me so much.

    A person in question of getting this badge would not only have quality work, but quantity to show their talent...a passion and great respect for art, respect for others, and be dedicated to helping and serving of this community.

    That may just be my opinion, but I believe that without passion, there is no fire. And where there is no fire, passion is dead. An artist always has an inspired passion for their work; whether or not they like it themselves (In my eyes my art is crap, but that doesn't stop me from drawing. Zeal is passion! :P)

  7. Vaio's are nice. I was looking at my hopefully soon-to-be laptop at Best Buy yesterday and it was next to a couple of Sony's laptops so I took a look at them, too. So expensive, though. And I didn't like that they keyboard keys weren't flush, but rather seperated one-by-one. I tried typing on it and it felt weird.

    HP's aren't bad, either. My first, slightly ancient laptop was an HP and it was great for graphic art. Photoshop ran with ease, however slightly slow.

    The computer I'm looking at right now is an Asus. I like it simply because it's different, a not-so-known brand, and she carries a nice price tag, which helps. Plus they're kind of known for being good gaming computers; I've liked that because it gives me an optimistic look at it being good for graphic arts, too.

    Another thing I've been looking at is USB drives, for me, I've always needed at least 3. Because I have a lot of external stuff, like my tablet, my printer, my flashdrive...a lava lamp.

  8. Why don't you just try to get one from the GTS then? I got one from there... but it was named "BUTT MUNCH". GRRRR...

    I don't know. Some people are lucky, other people are not. Look at me. All I've found were a bunch of Silcoons and a single hermaphrodite Burmy (a male Burmy that evolved into Wormadam... yeah, don't ask... I screwed something up and...)

    Was it still a male when it changed into Wormadam? :tongue:

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