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Posts posted by Jayc

  1. but that sort or corny for someone who would believe I have a real japanese pokemon with an english name as I remember , for english there only 5 word for the english writing , can xeo teach how to use this program ??? I've tried looking for Japanese translator , but most of them are incorrect and some doesn't work

    If you want to get it right (i.e. literal English to Japanese), you can try

    1) Doing the phonetics translation yourself. If so, this site will give you the rudiments of what you need to do.


    Once you think you're up to it, type in the name in Romaji (the Japanese name in English letters) here.


    This server can only generate names in katakana. If you really want hiragana, you'll have to use something else.

    2)If the name is fairly common, then this name dictionary might help.


    Just a heads up, the Japanese language doesn't have a lot of standalone consonants (i.e. non-vowels like b,j,h,c).

    This should be no problem if the consonant is followed by a vowel (i.e. ra,do,ya,ki), but sometimes, it isn't the case.

    So you'll need to use the characters which are consonant + 'u'. The consonant 's' would then be 'su' in Romaji. 'B' would be 'bu', 'y' would be 'yu'.

    'L' would be 'ru', because the language doesn't have the letter L, using 'r' instead, and 'v' would usually be 'bu', as there is no 'v' in Japanese. 'T' is a little fiddly, you can either use 'ch' + vowel or 'te'. 'Tsu' is not really a good idea, because of the 's' sound.

    An example: Sylar would be Sairaru in Romaji. The site should be able to help you from here.

    Hope that helps.

  2. For the Challenger's Edition, which Trainers have progressing difficulty?

    Also, if I merely ported my original, fully-completed Platinum save (i.e. entire storyline finished, National Dex obtained, obtained all Battle Frontier prints) over, what am I missing from Perfect Platinum?

  3. when i load a pkm file that was saved from the pokesav D/P on the pokesav platinum, do i have to change the hex values accordingly?

    It's in the FAQ section:

    ~Do the values change when you trade them to a different game?~

    Once a Pokemon's values have been determined by the game, they will never change. This means trading a Pokemon from Diamond to Platinum will keep its regular hex values from Diamond.

    also, the pkm files hometown are set to Diamond or pearl.

    Whichever game you want the Pokemon to have come from.

    So, if I make a Shaymin from Flower Paradise, would it have anything it its 85h value?

    No for all three games. Funnily enough, though, Darkrai's 85h value is 02, even though it technically is an event Pokemon, met in a similar manner as Shaymin. Maybe Preston could add that little tidbit into the guide.

  4. Rather long post...

    Let's assume that the pokemon I'm making are all ones that will be hatched as apparently that is the better way to do things.

    It is better somewhat. A hatched Pokemon can have any PID/IV relationship. Wild/special/event Pokemon do not have this privilege.

    This sounds tedious and time consuming, isn't there are code that would simply let me have the pokedex completed? There were back in the days of Ruby and Sapphire.

    Supposedly, there is one for Platinum too, but it is missing some form/Forme data.

    1. Language: Do I need to enter English here?

    If the Pokemon you want to create supposedly originated from an English version of the game, yes. Some event Pokemon may have a different region though.

    2. Met in place: Day Care Couple is what I put here correct?

    Bit of a misnomer... so no. For hatched Pokemon, the Met in Place is the place where you want the egg to supposedly have hatched at, not where you received the egg.

    3. Hidden Hex value: In simple terms what do I put here for Platinum? I read a thread on this but was still left a bit confused because the main answer I could interpret more than one way.

    Well, the general idea of the hex values is for the game to figure out how and where you got that Pokemon.

    I usually fill the 85h value first. Use...

    00 - Egg/Pal Park/Event/Honey Tree (D/P/Pt)

    02 - Tall Grass (D/P/Pt)

    04 - Dialga/Palkia (D/P/Pt)

    05 - Cave/Hall of Origin (D/P/Pt)

    07 - Caught in the Water (D/P/Pt)

    09 - Caught in Buildings (D/P/Pt)

    17 - Giratina (Origin)(Pt)

    18 - Starter Pokemon/Bebe's Eevee/Fossil Pokemon (Pt)

    0A - Great Marsh/Safari Zone (D/P/Pt)

    0C - Starter Pokemon/Fossil Pokemon (D/P)

    ... which are all copypasted from the original guide.

    Fill in the 46h and 47h values next.

    1. Grab whatever number Pokesav uses to refer to the Met in Place.

    2. Dump it into your computer's Calculator and convert to hexadecimal.

    3. Input the hex values into the 46h 47h values.

    You can do the same for 44h and 45h, only this time, with the Egg Hatched At value.

    Or just use DSPokeEdit. I believe it has an automated function for that sort of thing.

    4. Trainer ID/Secret ID: Do I need to enter anything here? If so how do I find these numbers? None of the guides on the site seem to address this. Is "input own ID" clicked before or after you put in your real numbers?

    You do.

    If you're going to make the Pokemon seem as though you caught them in-game, the 'Input own ID' will input your player's IDs (as in, your player's Trainer ID and Secret ID) for you. Your IDs can also be found at the main screen.

    If you're curious to know, the Trainer ID and Secret ID are there merely to make each player unique and allow the game to track which Pokemon originally belonged to which player. All the Pokemon you catch in-game will carry your player's Trainer ID and Secret ID.

    Sometimes, you might want to make a Pokemon seem as though it came from another player. Just enter that player's IDs (if you know the IDs, that is).

    5. Generate/PID/IV: Which of these two buttons do I use?

    I hardly ever use the Generate button, so I don't know much about that. It is useful though, as you usually won't get a legal PID for your Pokemon, especially if they're not hatched (which is why hatched Pokemon are better for editing). You can use this to generate a PID if you don't care for illegal PIDs, or if the Pokemon is hatched.

    After you've entered the IVs and Nature for the Pokemon, you can press the PID/IV button to bring up an empty list. Press 'Generate' from there to fill up the list with the legal PIDs corresponding to that particular set of IVs and Nature. You can choose a PID from there.

    Just use the one that matches what you want. The algorith description may help in your choice.

    6. Egg hatched at: Does my answer to this matter?

    Yes. This is another misnomer, it's actually the place where you received the egg.

    Usually, it's the Pokemon Day Care/Day Care Couple, but certain special eggs (like the Togepi one Cynthia gives to you or the Riolu one given by Riley) will have a different value.

    7. Moves: If the pokemon is being made to appear in a PC box then do I need to fill in the correct PP amounts for the moves? The guide only refers to what to do if they are being created to appear in your party.

    Yes. Unfortunately enough.

    8. Is egg: If I decided to make it an egg, what sections would I not fill out?

    I can't answer that. What extra stuff you do need to fill out, however, are the Steps Left (mind, whatever you enter in will be multiplied by that formula, [value]x256+[a]), Date Egg Received and Egg Hatched At.

    9. Once I press "okay" what do I do exactly? Do I need to save the box then and if so where and as what save type?

    You have to press 'Save' at the Main Menu to save all your changes, including Pokemon editing.

    'Saving' the box means that you export all the Pokemon in the box as .PKM files. You can import these files into other boxes/parties later on. Think of those .PKM files as your music files and the boxes/parties you import/upload them as your playlists.

    10. Once I get back to the main screen do I need to have any of it filled in?

    It's up to you. The things there are pretty self-explanatory (i.e. money, Rival's name, Bag Edit, etc).

    And up to here, I am utterly clueless, because I never use ARDS to generate Pokemon. Sorry.

  5. The Battle Tower very kindly removes the Griseous Orb from Giratina when it is used through the Allow Any Pokemon in the Battle Frontier code, so it can't keep its Original Forme there. So...

    Allow Giratina to hold Griseous Orb and keep its Original Forme in the Battle Tower

    EDIT: Rotom's form items are probably suffering from the same thing.

  6. Just upload the pokemon onto GTS then take it back? lol so easy.

    Ok. So any alterations to pokemons render them both illegit and illegal, right?

    (Can't I change its PID also to make it at least legit?)

    Err... I believe Pokesav only leaves traces on your save file. The PKM files would be fine as they are.

    Probably not legit. But if you can be bothered (PID, hex values, trash bytes, correct ability-class alignment, etc.), you might be able to create/alter into a legal one.

    You can change the PID to make it legal, but not legit. Or just make it hatched. That way, you can have any PID combination you please.

    As Duplicated said, legit Pokemon can only be generated by the game, but then again, it's a matter of knowledge and perception whether to care if the Pokemon is legal or legit.

  7. Intuitiveness - What is the best way to structure this system so that users can find an answer without confusion?

    Bigger categories branching out to smaller ones for browsing, like the way WikiAnswers does it.

    I think it would be better to have more (linking to less similar questions, including questions in different sections) anchors than less, IMO, it might save a lot of hassle (in having to try out keyword after wrong keyword).

    Tags could help there too, I suppose.

    What is the most efficient way to ensure that users have checked the system before asking for help?

    A big, fat sticky/announcement :P.

    BTW, how will the FAQs be updated? User requests, new questions from the Help threads, etc.?

  8. What about that girl he hangs with?

    Could that skirt be any higher?

    You mean Hikari/Dawn. She's voiced by a female in all incarnations, which is kind of... obvious.

    It can, by the way.

    Veronica was decent, in a consistent sort of way. Her voice acting was natural. Sarah has had a rocky start, and still does enough slip-ups to merit 'inconsistency'. Sometimes, she even does better than Taylor, but for the part, I'd rather Taylor than her.

    I have never had a problem with Rica's voice acting, but then again, I could say the same for any number of Japanese VAs.

  9. LOL ... I assume you don't use wifi

    after you got pal pad ... you can write your signature in the trainer card

    ... what?

    I already know that. It's common knowledge.

    Thing is, it's annoying that the signature can't be edited (only deleted and re-written). And some people might want an unique signature (derived from a picture, no less). Either way, it'd be an interesting addition to Pokémod.

  10. -New uses for and ways to play around with the 'mons. Contests are getting yawn-inducing.

    -A longer side-story after the Elite Four. I liked FRLG for that, while the DPPt one merely felt like an afterthought.

    For an all-encompassing Pokémon game to exist, memory space is needed. We might have it in the not-so-near future, given the improvements in storage devices, but otherwise, such a game cannot be on a handheld system and must be relegated to a home system. Which the main series will probably never be on.

    Pokémon get new evolutions all the time. It's nothing new.

    A bank? The player's mom was sort of one in GSC, IIRC. Might be reintroduced in the GSC remake, if there is one. Though, she did have the annoying tendency to do unwarranted shopping with your money (which was an okay issue as that was the only way to get decorations for your room).

    Never liked HMs (save Fly and Surf, because they made sense and were useful). The less HMs, the better. I'd love a series where I don't have to waste a slot in my party with a HM slave, which unfortunately isn't going to happen anytime soon. Game Freak loves HMs and puzzles.

    As for the 510 EV cap... it's there to make the game more challenging. Base stats and IVs wouldn't matter if there wasn't an EV cap.

    The Battle Frontier is sort of like a minigame where you CAN win prizes, so I don't know about that one.

    Yes. Electric needs a new weakness. Not a fair comparison, but Electric is a little like how Psychic was in RBY.

    The move tutor was great. I loved the way it opened up new movesets and opportunities for certain Pokémon (i.e. Espeon, and all it got as a decent Move Tutor move was Signal Beam!). I really hope the Move Tutor(s) get(s) expanded upon.

    Bag sorting would be good.

    Maybe more...

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