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Posts posted by Jayc

  1. Yes, you would need to edit the ROM in such a way that boxed Pokémon retain the 236 byte structure, if it's even possible to do that.

    Or perhaps changing the species' base stats?

  2. Get it?

    I think this has already been answered.

    On a side note, the only way to keep hacked stats while depositing over from the party is to edit the ROM itself?

  3. No one else noticed this?

    Oddly enough, Pokesav for Platinum does NOT unlock the Platinum wallpapers.

    While D/P and Platinum both have this feature and some wallpapers sharing the exact same names, the wallpapers are quite different in terms of looks (There are also two Platinum-exclusive wallpaper, Distortion and Contest, in place of the D/P-exclusive ones, Torchic and Backyard).

    Pokesav for Platinum, instead, unlocks the D/P wallpapers as Pokesav for D/P also did. To unlock the Platinum wallpapers, you'll have to enter the passwords in-game at the Jubilife TV Station as per intended by the game.

    So Platinum players who use Pokesav actually have two sets of unlockable wallpapers as Platinum has data for both (maybe to facilitate Platinum players being able to view D/P boxes over WFC at the GTS?).

    The Platinum wallpapered-boxes show up as having the wallpaper 'Fore' in Pokesav, which is the grassy-themed wallpaper. If you make any changes in Pokesav and save the box while leaving the wallpaper unchanged, it will revert to 'Fore' in the game, and has to be manually changed to the Platinum wallpaper in-game again.

    For reference, here is the D/P wallpaper for Legend:


    The Platinum wallpaper for Legend:


    One of the Platinum-exclusive wallpapers, Distortion:


    All other Platinum unlockable wallpapers are similarly changed from the D/P ones to look more detailed or something else.

  4. Soooooooo.....

    Evidently those jerks misled me.

    It turns out the reason you needed to get it by wi-fi at the hotspots was because it's a wi-fi event... -_-;;

    They shoulda just said that in the first place, ya know... instead of trying to trick me into going to a McDonald's.

    It also looks like it was made available a couple hours early.

    The original advert I looked at was pretty vague about it, but this new one seems to be quite thorough.

    Kind of strange how an official ad can be clear-cut misleading (it IS an official ad, right?).

  5. If I'm attempting to make a Pichu from Pokemon Movie 09 am I to put in a special value for the 85h value or is leaving it at 00 with a fateful encounter sufficient? Any help is greatly appreciated.


    Non in-game event Pokemon will have the 85h value of 00. I should think that the Pichu would have the Fateful Encounter flag, seeing that it's not an in-game event.

  6. Giratina can have either Levitate or Pressure. Double the uncreativeness?

    Ok ok...you got me. I just like more obvious ones. Like intimidate or wonderguard because if its not the right type then its obvious. Or drizzle and drought. Sandstream and snow warning are also some of my favorites.

    Sometimes, subtlety can catch the opponent off-guard when he/she least expects it. I've lost count of the amount of times my very own Empoleon activated Torrent to OHKO with a neutral Hydro Pump, and then remember where that power boost came from after the battle.

    It can be a good thing that the game never says anything when the starters' abilities are activated. And anyway, if those abilities were activated without the pinch limit, it would make the starters' STAB moves too overpowered.

    Like wraith89 said, Pressure can be a pain when facing stalling Pokemon, like the aforementioned Giratina or the gimmicky PressureDactyl. It all comes down to how you utilise the Pokemon.

  7. I am guessing that when it reads it being pal parked it reads its hometown code to decides what to use for the met location, and it uses the kanto, and hoenn from the met location area, also jhoto and sinnoh maybe safe guards to prevent the game from crashing if the pokemon was said to be pal parked yet has a hometown in johto or sinnoh.

    But the funny thing is that the Trainer Memo never shows the Met at/Egg Obtained at location when the Pokemon is Pal Parked.

    The only thing that is does show is that the Pokemon 'Arrived at Level --'. 'Arrived at' is used when the Pokemon is ported over via Pal Park, while 'Met at' is used for Sinnoh-obtained Pokemon (and possibly HGSS-obtained as well).

    'Met at' does give the specific place where the Pokemon was obtained, but 'Arrived at' merely gives the level. 'Johto', 'Kanto', 'Hoenn' and 'Sinnoh' are never mentioned in the Trainer Memo for Pal Parked Pokemon.

    i don't think that HG/SS transferred to plat/dia/pea will use Johto for Place caught/Egg hatched ... the games will most probably read the "region section" for sure ... but with different trashbyte than the "palparked" pokemon ^^

    well .. it's just my assumption .. ^^

    I'm pretty positive that HGSS will have direct trading with DPPt, seeing that they're in the same generation and direct trading was also possible between FRLG and RSE. The only areas plausible for Location Met/Egg Obtained At would be either 'Johto' or 'Faraway Place', since HGSS is a totally different region from DPPt, with no similar areas.

  8. Something on Pokesav's been bugging me - what exactly are the areas 'Sinnoh', 'Hoenn', 'Johto' and 'Kanto' used for?

    I suppose 'Johto' would eventually be used for HGSS Pokemon, but the rest seem redundant.

    By the way, I'm talking about the ones in Location Met/Egg Obtained At and not the hometown.

  9. The 85h Hex 02 is for any Pokemon caught in grass, right?

    Whenever I see the term "tall grass" it makes me think of the grass above Solaceon or something.


    Supposedly, it's 'tall grass', because that is what some NPCs (especially the regional Professors) use as a term for the grass (both 'normal' and 'very tall') where wild Pokemon appear.

    There's grass in many places (or what looks like it) which are just part of the palette of the environment, so 'tall' may be used to differentiate the grass inhabited by wild Pokemon from that.

  10. Works like a charm.

    Though this does not work for 'event' battles, like rival battles and the Elite Four, it still works on ordinary Trainers and wild Pokemon, so it's pretty good.

    EDIT: Seems that the Walk Anywhere Code gets disabled when activated in tandem with this.

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