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About Ithiliond

  • Birthday 09/16/1988
  1. Thank you again for your useful advices. Here's 2 different versions of the team:
  2. I can try to introduce Ludicolo, but which pokemon should i remove? Scizor? Electivire?
  3. Thank you both, i've tried to sum up your advices:
  4. Yeah, i meant OU Here's my first draft of the team, but i need some help with it:
  5. Hi guys, i was just wondering if there's a good way to build up an UO rain team (i wish i had an UO pokemon with drizzle ). I was intrigued by toxicroack's dry skin, but it's definetly not a defensive type pokemon. So the question is, how would you build up a rain team?
  6. Is there anybody going to help me? This is my eeveelution team now: what do you think about?
  7. So i can use the PID/IV's generator in Pokesav (Platinum) also for them, right? And what about legendary pokemon? I edited IV's of my Palkia (and get a new PID), but legal.exe says unknown A-B-E-D or something like this... Thank you again
  8. I've spent the last 2 hours reading sticky threads and previous discussions, but i'm still wondering if there's some difference between wild pokemon PID/IV's, hatched pokemon PID/IV's and legendary pokemon PID/IV's (such as Cresselia's or Palkia's), in Platinum version. If it is so (as i think it is) how can i get hatched PID/IV's (if i can)? Thank you advance.
  9. I agree with randomspot, maybe i can use 4 eeveelutions and 2 other pokemon considering the team weaknesses. I'm not used making baton-pass teams (i've never even considered making one, before this time), but i think that the stat increase should follow some sort of logic sense, which (imho) lacks in the moveset listed by memjee, since it highly increase Atk but there are only 2 physical moves (even not particulary strong, with the exception of leaf blade). Anyway, i'm not going to make a baton pass team at any cost; if someone has any better idea for an eeveelution team, i'll be happy to consider that [EDIT]: Here's a possible team
  10. Hi there, i'm here again. This time i'd like building up a eeveelutions baton-pass team, as Wright89 suggests in another thread. Since it has been said that toxic spikes is a big problem for this kind of team, i thaught using only 5 eeveelutions and one baton pass/defog gliscor. Anyway i've not much ideas about which eeveelution and which move use. Any idea? :smile:
  11. Got it, maybe a sandstorm team would be more offensive than this one ^^". For the eeveelution team, you can put a driflblin/gligar with baton pass and defog. I'll open a thread for this maybe, or i'll send you a PM :smile:
  12. You're right, i guess the point is that ice-type pokemon has a lot of weaknesses, so an ice/hail team is "doomed" to be a stall team. For that purpose, i think your build is "quite perfect". I'll start breeding tomorrow ^.-. Anyway i'd really like making a team with Glaceon or other eeveelutions ( <3 ), but i'll probably open a new thread for this. Thank you again :wink:
  13. I really like your team, but even if i'm not for "an all out offensive team with hail mixed in it for destruction" (in fact, as i see, i think ice-team cannot be effectively offensive without mixing up), i prefer making it a little more offensive than stalling. My original idea was being offensive but still annoying thanks to Snow Cloak, poisoning and hail, having 2, or maybe 3, tanks/walls/defence based pokemon, and still being competitive. The only problem is whether it is possible or not. What do you think about it? P.S. I won't pass Glaceon over for this team. P.P.S. Tanks you all for help :smile:
  14. Ok here's some change: Still need help :redface: , and i think there's too much tanks in this team...
  15. Ok, i'm convinced. I think i'll keep Abomasnow, Glaceon and Walrein for sure, but since this is my first team build i'll need some further advice, in particular for the roles :redface: For the other three, i think Swampert has good resistances/immunities, while tentacruel can be really good too, but i'm really confused about which role they should have; Weavile is still a good choice, i think, considering your hints ^.- Finally, i'm really appreciating Wraith's "calm" version of Glaceon, but since it's my only special sweeper i'm not convinced about it.
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