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About NotForSale

  • Birthday 09/04/1992
  1. I might. Alright thanks. Bye.
  2. I am using pokesav for everything. I noticed when I first start up pokesav, I could not enter my full name. All I could type were 2 letters. After typing and backspacing for quite a bit, I finally got my whole name in. When I am editing my Pokemon, I never saw the question mark in front of my name. It sounds like you saw it though. I wonder why. Anyway, I got all 6 Pokemon working =D.
  3. Hey it worked!! Both ? and the message is gone! Yet I don't know how you did it. When I gave you the file, did it show up the "?"? Cause I don't see it on my pokesav. Also since you said not to have the trash bytes that start with "E2 00", I tried manually entering my name, and the "E2 00" went away. Let me try that will all my .pkm files.
  4. Alright. Check the .pkm file I attached. Gabit.pkm
  5. I doubled checked everything, yet the ? remains in the front of my name. Also, the "Apparently met..." is still present.
  6. I am having this problem that all the Pokemon I create in pokesav for platinum v.06d. I have a "?" in front of my name. Also, everything says "apparently hatched/met at"? What's going on? Here is a ss of my pokesav info. Please help. http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/1672/pokesavprob.png
  7. I have an r4, but I don't know how that will help. Remember, I need both ID and SID
  8. Does the Trainer ID and Secret ID matter when the pokemon's homeland is from the GBA games, such as Emerald? Can I make this up? Or is it much more complicated then that.
  9. Hi. Welcome to the forums. Let us both be new here together.
  10. Welcome. I am new here too.
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