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About ieges

  • Birthday 11/19/1994
  1. GIMP *shudders* I dun liek that.
  2. I owe you! I also have bad news: I have to return my computer next week, which means no photoshop unless I can set it up on my mac
  3. I just cant get to aerojay's third signature due to massive school finals, so someone else will need to take it. Here it is: I want a group of 6 magikarp splashing in a puddle in rain, and a trainer saying "SPLASH ATTACK GO!"
  4. Hey guys! This is a recent pic I made:
  5. Well... I like the vibrant fireworks in this one http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4hvNOtivo6Q/SxVn-DqfktI/AAAAAAAAAd0/p9eX_PmbguI/s1600/BlackCat1.jpg
  6. I love how he blends in with the background, but can you spruce up the background a little? For text you can just put "Spike". I love it otherwise
  7. Ok, how about making something cool with the main character from the anime "Black Cat" for me? Make it awesome! Skype/MSN: If you feel like having close contact feel free to leave your handle.------- Skype: Mountain-hound Theme: List colors, style, etc. here------------- Make 'em vibrant and glow Render/Image: Link me to the render/image you'd like me to use (I prefer renders).-------- Maybe this? http://www.animeresimleri.com/img1942.htm
  8. <p><p><p><p><p><p>Hey how is the sig going?</p></p></p></p></p></p>

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBxiNXHfudY I mean like that I really like how creative it is
  10. Sometimes is better to keep the shadows, but I like them none the less
  11. Here you go, this one was fun to make! And btw, awesome image sabeta! It looks super cool!
  12. If you want Narwhal specifically to take the request, I understand. If not, though, I can do it for you. I will give you a code that you just paste into the siggy bar, but you should check first page for help with that also
  13. What anime is the pic from?
  14. A shiny of the week available for heart gold would rock.
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