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About cheesybitez

  • Birthday 09/22/1990
  1. I've installed python 2.7 and download IR-GTS, and when i open IR-GTS, a window pops up for half a second and says some words but before i can even read the first word, it closes down on me and i can't get it to stay open.. EDIT: Never mind, I re downloaded IR-GTS and extracted properly. It works now.
  2. also; i've had some troubles getting landorus at the abundant shrine with tornadus and thundurus. has anyone else had this problem?
  3. is there anywhere i can see (through a trainer/etc) a vullaby/mandibuzz in pokemon white?
  4. As I'm pretty sure a lot of people are aware there is a problem with obtaining Landorus after you get both Tornadus and Thundurus. It seems as if you trade your original caught roaming legendary to another person, you cannot receive the event. In my situation, I have Pokemon white. I went into GTS Negotiations and traded my Thundurus for a Tornadus. Then went to the GTS and traded a random Pokemon for a Thundurus, so I could have both. When I went to the Abundant Shrine, the three kids were there and the conversation about the girl saying what her grandfather told her occurred. Right after that, i walked up to the shrine, pressed A. All that happened is that it said "A small, weathered shrine." I've tried trading for at least 30 other Thundurus and Tornadus from everywhere on the GTS. None seem to work. I was hoping that someone would know if I can fix this problem at all. I'd hate to go through millions of people on the GTS just to get one single Pokemon that I previously owned, or worse, hack my game. Any feedback would be great, thanks.:biggrin:
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