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Everything posted by ArtemiSerebii

  1. Sorry I missed you, I was asleep! What time zone are you in? I am EDT (so it's 5:27 AM now). Let me know when you are available, I am usually up PRETTY late EDT, last night was weird for me lol.
  2. Sweet, thanks! I will add you and VIP you ASAP! IGN is Hemera, FC is 3840-6579-9848
  3. I can't use QR codes in Gen VII because I haven't rooted my 3DS (I don't trust it...) so I have trouble accessing some of the events on here. Can I get some help trading these two into my Ultra Sun game? Thanks very much in advance! Details upon confirmation!
  4. Also, you need to change Sludge Wave Gengar to Rare Moves because there WAS an event Gengar released with it at one point, it's not "exclusive" to PoGO.
  5. Scored a Cross Chop Psyduck today! Kept an @sston of Body Slam Rattata, Nidoran (m) and Nidoran (f). Also got a Signal Beam Cleffa but of course she'd be Gen II. Speaking of Gen II, at least of one of my Meganiums has Vine Whip. Looking to see if any of my other babies have unique moves too. I also managed a Thunder Punch Elekid and a Karate Chop Magby. Checking their grown-up versions too. Same for both their grown-up versions. I have one or two Thunder Punch Electabuzz and Karate Chop Magmars. Scored two Brave Bird Doduo as well as a Body Slam Growlithe too! I am just SERIOUSLY racking up the legacy/breeding moves this week! Let me know if there are any more legacy moves we might be looking for. Something made me double-check that Psyduck.
  6. I have a number of Body Slam Rattata as well and I know that is a TM/Tutor-only move. I also got a Bug Bite Paras (at least one so far).
  7. Where are our US members? I am in Northern Virginia.
  8. Would an Icy Wind Shellder do? I also have an Ice Punch Poliwrath so far. I also have a Bug Bite Venonat. I am planning on catching more Paras, Exeggcute and Goldeen to try and get more of those moves. I am checking on the rest but I have NO IDEA who to trade with, where or how...
  9. I didn't realize this was the first time Lugia got Hurricane, could I maybe get help trading one as well? FC when help offered! Thanks in advance!
  10. Well, I have that one but it's my shiny soooo...
  11. I have a BUNCH from Page 1 under Rare and Event Moves (NOT the newest sheet I saw above, THAT is a sh*tshow lol!) However I have NO idea how to get them to you! I can even prove their veracity with screencaps when I get home from my interview, but I don't know how to send the data! I have as follows: * Body slam Nidoran Male * Body slam Nidoran female * Body Slam Vulpix * Mud-Slap Cubone * Mud-Slap Rhyhorn * Mud-Slap Rhydon * Present Delibird * Smack Down Tyranitar * Dragon Pulse Ampharos
  12. Never mind, I realized I could create it in Gen VI nd bump it up, it proved a fine time to scrape some of the rust off my old skills lol!
  13. Oh, fascinating--I put Head Smash onto a Nosepass and bumped it up through Bank into Gen VII and it worked fine...??
  14. So apparently Game Freak dun goofed. Murkrow can learn Punishment as an egg move. Greeeeeeeaaaaaat... The only species in its egg group that can ALSO learn Punishment are...<*fanfare*> Vullaby and Mandibuzz! >.< I want to tinker around with a Punishment Murkrow for the fun of it, though since I don't *think* it will make the game yarf itself...? Could I by chance get a Lv. 1 male Murkrow (so he can pass down HIS appropriate egg moves!) With the following moveset: * Peck * Brave Bird * Punishment * Sky Attack Thanks in advance!
  15. This is why I don't get online with my copy of Sun lol...My Moon has "all clothing" enabled but nothing else bannable and so far so good, I am still able to use Game Sync AFAIK, in fact it connected me earlier tonight without trouble.
  16. I am on and in the Festival Plaza--I am under the IGN Selene. Heck, you still need my FC, don't you? One second... 3840-6579-9848
  17. Could I by any chance get some help getting Gen VII Event Pokemon into my S/M games? I would greatly appreciate it! I don't want to root my XDS systems to use PKHeX in this gen. I made the .pk7 files, though from the .wc7s available here. They are in the attached .rar file below. The Pokemon I need trade help with are the Sapporo Birthday Pikachu, Eevee and Vulpix, the Wrestler Machamp and the 2017 Charity Pikachu. Thanks in advance for the help! Event PK7s For Trade 03-17.rar
  18. Nnnnnnggh, grrrrr again with the having to learn how to TRY to DO things... >.<
  19. Aha, different Forme. Curiosity compelled me to ask, honestly. Righty-oh, then. SOON... SOON...(LULZ) Trying VALIANTLY to figure out how to PKHeX in Gen VII since I DO NOT wanna' root my Xds systems to do it, lord knows...
  20. Just out of curiosity, is the Ash hat-chu considered an untradeable event, or is it considered an event at all? OBVIOUSLY you can trade a Pikachu, but can that particular version be traded, i.e. can someone get, say...me one? That would be great! Thanks in advance and yay!
  21. Is there any chance of getting assistance with obtaining a Marshadow? I don't want to root my system/s to be able to still use PKHeX so yeah...I know Marshadow can apparently be GTSed if searched, I'm to understand? Or how else do? I KNOW it can be done, and I literally tried to do it by QR-code injection on my OLD (i.e. 6th-gen v. 9.0 firmware) 3DS but it told me I'd have to upgrade to 11.0 and MUK that noise...So, um...Help me maybe? Thanks in advance!
  22. Thanks for the help--I don't want to root my two good xds systems, actually, I don't trust doing it...
  23. Any chance someone could trade me over the Japanese Birthday event Pokemon (Eevee, Pikachu, Comfey, Vulpix) because I can't QR inject anymore? Thanks for the help in advance! Friend Code is 3883-8457-6419 IGN: Saule
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