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Puma Italia

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About Puma Italia

  • Birthday 07/28/1990
  1. well it worked with two pokemon, but not 6.
  2. it doesn't let me get to the game because it gives me the white screen. it just freezes so i can't do anything.
  3. here is the code, and it isn't just the codes i get from pokegen that don't work, i tried ones from codejunkies and they didn't work either. i don't think it's my action replay because i tried using some diamond codes and they worked fine. this is for two pokemon.
  4. i don't know what i could have done wrong though, i tried making two pokemon and generating the code. then i saved it and dragged the xml file from my desktop to the action replay software, and then from the action replay software onto my action replay. when i try loading it with the cheat either doesn't work or just gives me the white screen as it starts to load. you're sure it isn't pokegen right?
  5. hey codr, i was just wondering if you have any other suggestions on ways to get the codes to load. i tried to make two pokemon and it still didn't work, do you want me to post the code i got?
  6. i tried to make two pokemon and it still gave me a white screen when i tried to enter the game. how long was your code?
  7. maybe the code is too long then, if your testing it out ray, try making one or two pokes and see if it loads.
  8. what if i just made one pokemon, how many lines would that be?
  9. the same thing is happening with me.
  10. when pokegen for the english games is finished, will it be posted on this forum?
  11. alright well just get to it whenever you can i guess. thanks for the program, it's awesome.
  12. an update of pokegen or an update of my action replay? do you know if these things will be fixed before the english games are released?
  13. Wait, so the latest version will work with the english games? i just tried to make a code for my action replay, and when i put it in the program i got a bunch of question marks for the name. anyone know why?
  14. i would but i don't have an acekard or an R4. i'm going to be getting the actual game on sunday and i want to be able to sav my team onto the game. do you know if the pokesav for the japanese games will work for the english games? if not, when will pokesav be released for the english games?
  15. but will the one that is on the site now, for the japanese games work for the american games?
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