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Everything posted by SamuraiEdo

  1. I just want the Japanese script files. Not the whole game file. I wanted to teach myself languages by translating the script word by word. I know it's gonna be tedious as hell but I still want to try. Is there someone that can attach the brilliant script or tell me how to extract it?
  2. when someone send the code toy you, could you be so kind and give me the codes? also I would like the code for the Black JP and US versions
  3. If you think about it, it doesn't work if the idea was to make it look legit. The name should be メロエッタ and the OT and ID should be えいがかん 07142 and the description should be "Pokémon Event. Apparently had a fateful encounter at Lv. 15" and it should be holding a PP max. Also make sure it has a Wishing Ribbon. So there are a lot of things you should modify. There is no set nature. Not a thing you should be too concerned about but if you can somehow manage to make it modest or timid I think it might be beter.
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