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Everything posted by Leon

  1. Thanks for the trade, you're a real help.
  2. Well, I'm on. Just roll on by at your nearest convenience.
  3. It's good to see you still doing this. When you're next available (could be today or next week), could I get any Manaphy, the Pikachu coloured Pichu, and the movie Arceus. Naturally feel free to do this at your earliest convenience.
  4. Well, I'm ready to go. Edit: Well, we did miss each other. But I am open to having a new meeting.
  5. Thanks for Regi, it's awesome.
  6. Awesome, I'll be waiting.
  7. Now sounds great. Language makes no difference to me, what ever is more convenient for you.
  8. When you're available next, could we trade for an event Regigas? my code: 1375-9636-0755 I thank you for your time.
  9. Saturday at 6:30 pm or later London time would be the best for me.
  10. If you're still offering I'd like to take part in this trade. my code: 1375-9636-0755 I have work 8-4, so I'm not really available till Friday at the earliest. Either way, thanks for the offer.
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