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About Lugiamaster

  • Birthday 07/26/1987

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    This program is really helpful but there is 1 request that I would highly appreciate. Can you bring back the ability to generate Action Replay Codes like what Pokegen can do? I would do it the way everyone else does but due to my 3DS not having anything like JK Save Manager and it being too complicated to get custom firmware due to updates from Nintendo, I'm forced to have to use PokeGen to put the Pokemon I want in Pokemon White and then transfer over to Pokemon Bank. As for Gen 6 and 7, well with those I have to use Powersaves which is abit longer but I can put up with it. If you could add in Action Replay Code outputs, that's be great.
  1. From what I can see, there are 2 solutions to this problem 1. Keep Pokegen usable, at the end of the day, we are using the program to merely speed up the process. Other than the ability to say you did it the legit way (Which to me is a pretty silly motive) the end result is the same as if you trained it properly. 2. Rework the raising system. Lets face it people, the reason we all used Pokegen and Pokesav was because we all know Gamefreak designed the raising of competitive Pokemon to be far too tedious so the best solution to this would be to rework how the Pokemon are raised. I can think of 1 way right off the bat to significantly reduce this: Add all IV's to the EV Training system. Right now we have 6 stats with 31 IV's in each which mounts to 186, just add that 186 to the already existing 510. This way it'll be much easier to controlling the IV's that go into all your stats plus it means all those Individual values that are going to waste on stats that don't matter can be used to stats that do matter. Maybe this will take some getting used to but I bet that would be a great idea in the long run.
  2. Well, all I can say is I hope we can use Pokegen on it because if not, that'll be the end of Competitive Pokemon for me. That is unless of course Gamefreak re-work the mechanics and make it more reasonable to raise a competitive team.
  3. So to simplify it, does that mean Pokegen is coming to an end? and we will all have to play the game normally?
  4. To be fair, there are alot of 3DS Roms on the Internet. I've seen some for Mario Tennis Open and Kid Icarus Uprising so assuming we can do the same for Pokemon X & Y, we will be able to Pokegen the save files like we do for the current games. The only catch is we may not be able to do it for the actual games, only roms.
  5. If that's the case then how come not a single 3DS game has been hacked yet?
  6. I've been hearing some rather nasty rumors that the 6th Generation is going to lock out all programs known as Pokesav and Pokegen. If this is true it is really going to hurt the competitive side of Pokemon as now everyone will have to train and breed the old way. If this happens, it's going to turn me away from the competitive scene completely because I simply do not have the time in my life to tackle such a huge task. Anyone have updates on this that I am not aware of?
  7. I've recently tried this code on my Pokemon White and sadly it dosen't work I'm guessing the reason is because i'm trying it on Pokemon White and clearly at the top, it says Pokemon Black Is there any chance someone could make a code like this just for Pokemon White? Or is there something else i'm supposed to do like a button input or something?
  8. Hi guys whats going on with the event download section? Has it been removed or is it coming back or what?
  9. Hi guys I have been thinking lately about pokemon formes like Shaymin & Giratina and i've been wondering, wouldn't it be cool if we could choose what pokemon should have a new forme? So here is my question for you If you could choose a pokemon to have a new forme, what pokemon would you choose? Me, personally, think Regigigas because I feel he deserves it
  10. Hi everyone Its been a while since I visited the project pokemon website but I have a question Where is the event download section? Has it been removed? Sorry if this does seem like a noob question but keep in mind I haven't been to the site in a long while
  11. I wouldn't reccoment Absol, weavile and tyranitar on your team as their all weak to fighting type moves. What other 3 pkm are you thinking of usin?
  12. Hello everyone, how are you all? I am here to ask you a question about walls What Pokemon would you say is the ultimate wall? I've asked a dousen people and most of them have said Arceus for the following reasons 1. It can learn Recover, Cosmic Power and Seismic Toss 2. It has decend def and sp.def 3. Its the only pokemon which you can control its type But I wanna know what you guys think
  13. Serene grace effects critical hits? I thought serene grace double add on effect that moves have Sure your not thinking of super luck?
  14. Hi guys, here I am with another pkm-related question How does the ratio of critical hits work? According to Bulbapedia the highest ratio is 50%
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