For the love of all things good and pure, would someone please, PLEASSEEE, convert the following Japanese code to a US North American format.
This appears to be the major code US fans are wanting, but no one is working on it or are ignoring those who suggest it.
I made a new thread entirely, as well as registering just for this, so that it will get the attention it deserves.
I'm personally very selective about which codes I use. I only use those that unlock or change things to something that I could technically get if I were to take the necessary time. Such as getting a specific Pokemon to appear or having a Pokemon with a specific nature.
Generally I use codes that SAVE TIME.
I'd really, really like to stop taking an hour or more for each of the new Pokemon I've been catching to be satisfied.
With all of this being said, here is the JAPANESE Nature Modifier code.
::PKMN Nature Modifier (Hold X, Press Left then Press Y)
:::For this code, you need to go to the Summary Screen for the Pokemon's Nature you wish to change. When you are in the BLUE Screen you will hold X (don't let go of the X Button until you're done), it will take you to the RED Screen, then press Left, it will take you back to the BLUE Screen and the nature of your Pokemon should be chanhed, if it's not the desired nature press Y so it takes you back to the RED Screen then left again and repeat this process until you get the desired nature. When you are done, while still holding X, exit the Summary Page. When you are done with this process, put the Pokemon inside one of the PC boxes. It's important that you do this, because if you don't, the nature change will not take effect.
E20004A0 00000038
7C495829 4A0BB50F
78337812 D1002A04
2A083301 3B01D100
D0082902 F06D1C30
7033F95F 21011C30
F980F06D 7033BD0F
46C0BD0F 021D0685
1208969E 000046C0
1208C9AA 0000F773
1208C9AC 0000FD79
1208DE12 0000F772
1208DE14 0000FB6D
1208DE16 000046C0
E208DE18 0000000C
46C046C0 46C046C0
46C046C0 00000000
E20004F0 0000001C
00E00600 7A494904
D9002902 BD082001
F08D46C0 0000FC8F
021D068C 00000000
Now. Someone. Please. Convert. :bidoof: