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Everything posted by Themaster

  1. Hi, could you also make a code for White that gives a shock drive and a burn drive, and a code for Black that gives the Douse and Chill drives as these are non obtainable in the specific versions.
  2. Can someone please create a code to allow the name rater to change the names of traded pokemon. On a seperate not i believe that the international trade tower is just a bonus, 130 international trade with different regions is abit much for a reward that matters in-game e.g. a star on the trainer card.
  3. Can anyone give me a code that will give me all pokeathalon records? I have all but snow throw and the pennant one and no matter how much I try I just can't get it.
  4. I want it for Platinum, but i am going to trade it to HGSS to complete the Sinjoh Ruins and get a Giratina with Griseous Orb(only way to do this i heard).
  5. I need a Arceus that was met via a fateful encounter so i can use it for HGSS. Standard Arceus everywhere else. AR code is preferable. THX!!!!!!!:wink: EDIT:How do you generate these codes? Im quite curious.
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