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About Rodents210

  • Birthday 02/10/1992
  1. Hm, it's strange that you can't transfer them to the computer's HDD through USB... I know the AR DS/GBA Duo did DS save backups but not codes, and I had been told that my DS did USB backups too. Sigh, well I guess I'll have to dish out another $30 to get that Backup Adapter Plus...
  2. It's from before the DSi came out, like 2007 or something. There is no MicroSD slot but when I bought it the seller claimed it was the AR model that supported save backups. It looks different from my other ARDS which doesn't have the extra cartridge slot on top.
  3. I have an AR DS capable of backing up saves but I have no idea whatsoever of how to do it. I'm attaching a picture of my AR DS so it is clear which version I am using. I have the USB cable and the software for the AR (which doesn't have a game save option).
  4. If I want to edit my hatched Pokémon (two things: to change nature/set EV's because the breeding/training thing takes so long I end up not finishing all 6 in my team before the next game is out; and to tweak the IV's to get certain Hidden Powers and to not have grossly low ones (but not to get unfair IV's)), do I have to not worry about the PID at all? Is there anything else I need to worry about if those are the only things I want to tweak if they're hatched? Even if they pass Legit is there a chance that a Nintendo game or event will identify them as tweaked?
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