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About gluxon

  • Birthday 03/08/1997
  1. Perhaps it's your file system? I have your exact flash card with the same firmware and it works fine. I'm using a Transcend 4GB SDHC card with FAT32. (R4i fails )
  2. Thanks for the suggestion, but DSkiosk didn't even boot up for me (Blank Screen). But the good news is that I just got a AceKard 2i yesterday But now I have to find a DS/DSL to run the 1.4 patch on... ughghg...
  3. Yeah, but a guy above got r8 to work on his R4i-SDHC There's so many R4i clones out there anyway. I don't even know which one is the real deal. But R4i-SDHC pretty much the only one that's still active.
  4. I'm sorry, I've been checking everywhere and doing everything but I can't get r10 to work I'm using the DSi, with R4i-SDHC and the DLDI patch (for both HomebrewMenu.nds and PPSEDS.nds) from the given site below. http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/ I used the Windows GUI and the R4(DS) Patch downloads, and made sure both files are in the root. I haven't renamed any of them either. And this is the official site of my Flash Cart. http://r4i-sdhc.com/ I've booted from the Main Kernel, MoonShell, and HomebrewMenu. The kernel menu just gave me the "Google for NDS DLDI" thing, and so did MoonShell. The Homebrew Menu can't boot anything on my system, PPSEDS wasn't an exceptionl, even thought it had DLDI I even tried removing DLDI from both files, and rebooting from all three menus. Could somebody please tell me what I"m doing wrong? I've practically read the whole forum post. And thanks to Chase-Son for the wonderful work (even though I can't use it)
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