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Everything posted by Observer

  1. Tried it, it unpacked them as the same gibberish, SCV was able to identity what file I needed, so he must know how the encryption works?
  2. I had that tool for a while now, however it doesn't quite work for DPP as narctool cannot unpack them, not even narctool p1 could. I can't edit the contents of the .narc as I do not know the contents, that's the main problem, if I knew, it would be extremely simple. Edit: I see text such as: So I assume it's an encryption, even the hex makes no sense.
  3. A few questions: Does thenewpoketext only unpack and repack the .msg file? Didn't came with a manual, I pretty much just used common sense and fiddled around with it. When decrypted, I can simply edit the contents, then repack it like a normal text file, yes? Also, if thenewpoketext only does the above, how do you decrypt and repack a .narc file?
  4. When I read the article I had in mind it used a normal RNG, only that called twice if it happens to be shiny, and given a fancier name by you lot =p, thanks for the confirmation, I'll just have to wait for now I guess.
  5. Hmm, didn't see that article due to the confusion of the new site, I'd still like to know if it uses the normal type1 formula for generating them or another though, thanks.
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