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Everything posted by Dybala

  1. I'm sorry I'm asking more, but what if I test him to see if he's legal or not? Or do I just have to import to pkhex and then CTRL him when calculating the data of the non-shiny Pokémon?
  2. Due to constraints, I didn't create and transfer this Pokémon from Generation IV, so I don't know what the ‘met location’ in USUM would be if I followed the flow of the game
  3. If the met location is ‘zoroark’, when you enter home from bank, the met location in home shows ‘----’. I'd like to know which met location is logical for this gift inside the USUM
  4. As I worked my way through the difficulties, I realised that the swap worked when I changed the ‘meeting place’ from ‘poke Transfer’ to ‘zoroark’. Of course, this Pokémon was teleported from usum to bank to home to Sword and Shield, and wasn't made directly in Sword and Shield 0245 ★ - スイクン - 607C05E6F8B8.pk7
  5. If the questions I've mentioned are idiotic and trivial, you can politely decline to
  6. May I venture to ask why?In my previous reading of the following articles I guessed that Standard den RNG chained calls if not shiny. if shiny, it does a unconnected reroll of the PID. What I'm a bit confused about is that in ‘https://github.com/Admiral-Fish/RNGWriteups/blob/master/Gen 8/Raid Generation.md ’ it mentions something about ‘EC’, “pid”, “shiny” and so on in order? So at the end when doing the rolled to be forced shiny, is the pid directly (just) randomised to ‘xor=1/ psv=real tsv’ and forced to be shiny, or is there some kind of formula? (i.e. does the correlation of pid to ‘IV’ etc. not factor in?) So what is this article about the ‘shiny’ step for? To make sure that Pokémon are forced not to be shiny during battle? https://github.com/Admiral-Fish/RNGWriteups/blob/master/Gen 8/Raid Generation.md
  7. https://github.com/Admiral-Fish/RNGWriteups/blob/master/Gen 8/Raid Generation.md I remember reading this a few years ago, but I'm even more confused about it than I was a few years ago
  8. pkhex for the ‘shiny’ raid generation legitimacy check, only check if psv is equal to tsv and if xor=1? 0800 - Necrozma - E2D64881453E.pk8 This is the original file. 0800 - Necrozma - 66C54881453E.pk8 Here's my modified ‘illegal’ file. 0800 ★ - Necrozma - DD144881453E.pk8 This is what I got by pressing ‘ctrl’ and ‘alt’ on the ‘illegal’ file. ‘pkhex’ says “legal”, but I'm confused.
  9. 39711 or 39771 haha You entered ‘tid’ as 39771, but you used 39711 in ‘pokefinder’.
  10. I found a ‘seed’ through ‘Den search’, When I input this ‘seed’ into ‘IV search’, there are many different results, and when I ‘send to viewer’ they all show ‘legal’. Is that logical? Do I have a legality check that's not turned on? 0884 ★ - 铝钢龙 - 963C83E6E2A2.pk8 0884 ★ - 铝钢龙 - 908883E6E2A2.pk8
  11. emmmm, this will help you to correct the time when you don't use ‘switch-time’ to get the ‘gift’. And change the order of the ‘gifts’. In general, this method can only change the ‘display’ of the interface, but not directly obtain the ‘gift’ .But it does avoid the use of the ‘switch-time’.
  12. You can open this "main" with "pkhex" to see if this is your archive.The "main" is what I changed based on a suggestion from "Kaphotics".
  13. I see, thank you very much for the method, can I ask about the Pokémon archive data structure on the Internet there is no relevant guide! main
  14. The file format is correct, and by comparing it to some normal "main" and "control variables" your file is not seriously damaged, but I don't know how to fix it, and can only hope that your "pksm/backup" has more backups in it and is undamaged. Since "pksm" recognises the "main" file, it probably means that the data recognised by "pksm" has not yet been corrupted.
  15. Do you have a copy of the old one? The "sav" file is obviously too big.
  16. The conditions are too harsh. I can only calculate "3V" with "pokegen". likethis 0251 - CELEBI - ED39B61CDD06.pk3
  17. The corruption of this file is almost impossible to recover compared to a normal "sav" file
  18. This sav file is obviously damaged, and if the cartridge itself is genuine and OK you can contact Epilogue to enquire about it
  19. Or the easier way is to hold down the "alt" and click on this He will match your "tid" with a random "sid" so that the matching "pid" meets the shiny condition.
  20. You can also do this with this Just type in "pid" and then find a random set of "tid" and "sid".
  21. ues pokefinder Set any "tid" and then set the "IV" and "nature" corresponding to the "pid". like this。 By fine-tuning "tid" and "sid", all the way +1 (-1), you'll find that it also matches shiny! 0490 ★ - 鸡蛋 - 14031F37F50E.pk4
  22. The acquisition time of the "Mystery Gift" interface can be modified by reverse operations to solve some people's needs
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