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  1. Sorry for bumping an old thread, but I'm having an issue with this Rom editor that I haven't seen addressed in the thread so far. I want to edit a Randomized Pokemon ROM of BW/B2W2, but change the base stats after I randomized the ROM to correspond to new types/type colours (I've done this without issue using Gen 3/Gen 4 Pokemon games with other editors), and using this editor it only seems to work with Vanilla, non-randomized ROM's. When I try any randomization, all the Pokemon's stats become nonsense, and it gives me an error (Unhandled Exception). Is there a way around this, or is this just the way this program works? I'm fairly new to ROM hacking, and this seemed like the most user friendly editor for DS games (as it can edit the ROM's directly), as I don't quite understand how to use the other editors that require extracting .NARC files yet.
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