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Everything posted by JadeJuno

  1. When choosing partner, if you try scrolling to the left (where the greyed out Axew portrait is) the portrait wheel gets messed up. (Attached a video showcasing the issue) Using the MelonDS emulator if that helps. Might test it on real hardware later. 2024-11-22_18-52-07.mp4
  2. Hi, I've transitioned and am no longer comfortable with this old username. Could it be changed to "JadeJuno" please?
  3. I did and found nothing. Most similar thing I found was the "Mega Evolution Unlocked" checkmark on the Multiplayer tab, which is not what I'm looking for.
  4. Hi, I've been looking for a way to be able to get Mega Stones without going through the whole ordeal of "Powering your Mega Ring up". I was looking through the event flags and found nothing so far. Can someone help me?
  5. Well that sucks. Guess I can do that though, as my main save file is just after defeating the League. I'll edit this post with the numbers when I get them!
  6. Hey, I've been digging for a bit to find a list of all Omega Ruby map "IDs" (if that's even the right word), but have found nothing so far. Can someone help me? I specifically need the ID for the corridor right before Steven, but if there's a list for all map IDs, that'd be better.
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