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Endless Eden

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Posts posted by Endless Eden

  1. It's a Milotic in Beauty, telos. She's got completely maxed stats and is holding the scarf.

    Obviously its milotic weired...I was just reading this it may help,

    If you want to stick with Milotic, then I wish you luck, but I have a recommendation.

    My Milotic couldn't beat Master Rank Beauty contests no matter what I did. I even showed it to the Scarf Guy in Pastoria to get a hold item that increases its contest performance for whatever traits it has maxed out (by traits I mean Beauty, Cool, Tough, etc.), After twenty something contests with my Milotic always losing to either Fantina or Jasmine, I decided to try using another pokemon for the Beauty contests. I chose my Rapidash and gave it the following moveset (Fire Blast, Megahorn, Quick Attack, and Flame Wheel). After maxing out its Coolness and Beauty stats, I gave it the special item for Beauty contests and entered Master Rank once. The first time I used it in a Master Rank Beauty contest, it won without a doubt (It also won Cool Master Rank contest).

    and another person said

    I won Master Rank with Milotic. I had Surf, Ice Beam, Aqua Ring, and Recover.

  2. How do you win a Master ranked contest?! (<---has never done it before) I win the three beforehand by a landslide, and then get into Master, and lose horribly in 4th. Are there any number of item combinations that can make a better visual display?

    what pokemon and type of contest is it?you chould try showing it to the Scarf Guy in Pastoria to get a hold item that increases its contest performance for whatever traits it has maxed

  3. I think this is in the wrong section but anyways..

    There are several advantages to using an emulator.using action replay codes is simply copy and past,using pokesav is very fast and i personally think an emulator is much easier to use.

    The one disadvantage is that there is no event pokemon no battling over wifi and no pal park...

    I still prefer the emulator though.:D

  4. you also forgot MGS!lightinig bolt action!raiden is back!I cant wait!:D:D:D:D:D:D

    And uncharted among thieves i cant wait for this i loved the first!:D:D:D:D:D

    Assassins creed will be awesome to!and FF13&14!:D:D:D

    But there is still no word on KH3!!:( i have all but given up hope on this now....

    i think sony wins microsoft coming a close second

    I gotta go calm down....

  5. ^ what do you mean she does not have HM02?thats gotten in the galactic warehouse after helping dawn/lucas get her/his pokedex back you can find her/him in the north of veilstone after beating the gym there.

    ---------- Post added at 11:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:06 PM ----------

    ^ what do you mean she does not have HM02?thats gotten in the galactic warehouse after helping dawn/lucas get her/his pokedex back you can find her/him in the north of veilstone after beating the gym there double battle with him/her and go inside the warehouse to find the HM in the corner.

  6. I am glad you like them :D.

    I started messing around the other day with gradient flare and thought wow this looks like spacial rend/roar of time/dark orbs and then i just made those 3.i especially like that one myself try it yourself it really is pretty cool.(though when i made the little orbs i then took the colour from both and used the galaxy brush to give the effect of them charging their attacks)

  7. Congrats, again :grog:


    Oops, sorry, my bad... i was thinking that my deoxys would evolve like the normal evolution of the other pokemon (you know what i mean, the animation showing that your pokemon is evolving", and the name will be something like Deoxys-A,.. or something..), but when i checked it again, touched and interacted with the meteorites, i checked my deoxys, and it changed form :biggrin: thanks for answering my query :creep:

    yeah congrats okami :kikkoman:

    i know its answered but Did you get an onscreen message surely you noticed that when you checked the rock

  8. I whould like to think they were just normal pokemon but...inuyouki if they represent the things that destroyed the tower why does raikou's pokedex entry say it fell with lightining?

    and suicune is said to represent the north wind not water(though it is water type) it can also purify water and entei makes volcano's erupt....were did they get these powers from?

  9. I couldn't agree with you more. Goldenrod City was by far my favorite town and all towns and cities were basic and simple. Nothing was wrong with that, but somehow Game Freak decided we needed more exotic towns and gave us some of the most annoying towns to get to. Johto was just awesome.

    Its quite amazing johto was simplicity in its self yet it was more or less perfect, nothing was to hard to do so many people like it because of this.with that said though as long as the trainers,gyms,elite 4 and kanto are improved in the remake it will be the best ever!these are the only things that need improvements everything else is perfectly fine exactly the way it is.

  10. It has to be towns and cities i loved those old towns the big city of goldenrod,the quite town azelea,the historical city of ecruteak.Nothing since has been that good.town in tree's NO,town floating on corsola NO,Town inside a big rock NNOO all stupid!sure some people may like these exotic towns/cities but the johto towns were just basic towns as they should be not big over the top stupid towns just plain and simple...

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