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Endless Eden

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Posts posted by Endless Eden

  1. They will always hatch as level 1 but when they hatch just use pokesav to make it Lv100 straight away :wink: using No$gba makes using pokesav nice and fast.

    you know how to make a pokemon in an egg though don't you? When you tick the little box that says "is egg" there is a counter next to it set that to 1 and the egg will take 1-2 minutes to hatch quick and simple,you chould hatch 5 eggs in a few minutes using this metohd :D

  2. Hey!! was wraith here!?the ghostbusters are looking for him

    Hello joqu!I am telos pleased to meet you :D

    I whouldn't worry about not being familiar with the site,this site was my first time ever posting on an online forum and i got it pretty fast i am sure you will have no troubles :D

  3. As i said above my beauty blaziken (nickname "blaze" yes very imaginative i know) got me through a lot of contests his moves where,

    blaze kick



    sky uppercut (not a beauty move i know O_o but you chould use it to decrease the excitement)

    and max beauty stats of course

    You may find this a stupid set up but he never let me down he had a lot of ribbons.

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