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Endless Eden

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Posts posted by Endless Eden

  1. Well you chould just change him from graveler to golem in pokesav but i can tell you there is a way it involves changing hex or something it makes it so that they evolve on certain levels or something i dont know how to do it.

  2. All I can give are numbers of pokemon not encountered yet:

    46 (Burmy's F. evolution, I just have to evolve it)

    115 (Riolu, on my way to the isle now to grab my egg)





    136 (Tentacool)


    170 (Um...Glaceon, I think?)

    192 (Porygon?)

    And that's it.

    117=wooper great marsh

    133=octillery near pokemon league

    134=fineon south of sandgen (CATCH)

    135=lumineon evolve fineon

    148=azelf obvious

  3. Thanks so much for the help guys! I'm sure that I'll be able to get the drifloon doll now and it can sit right next to my chimchar and buneary. Does anyone know if you can get all the fossils underground before you get the national pokedex like the....

    Armor fossil: shieldon

    Skull fossil: cranidos

    Root fossil: Lileep

    Claw fossil: anorith

    Helix: Omanyte

    Dome: Kabuto

    Old amber: Aerodactyl

    Can you get all those BEFORE the national dex? I know you can get the first two fossils before but I'm not sure about the rest.

    Notice how when you get the national dex that the karate guy in the resort area says new things are being found underground.This is a hint that the new items/fossils are down there.So no not before the national dex

  4. This is a sig thread, not an avatar thread. PM one of our artists if you would like an avatar.

    ---------- Post added at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:54 PM ----------

    You can join! *adds to artists list* and telos, also. *adds to artist list* also the 2nd one with the Gallade and Gardevoir is the best one in my opinion. The 1st one is good too. :)

    Thank you...."Boss";)

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