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Endless Eden

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Posts posted by Endless Eden

  1. No, I was just saying that because I am teaching two people how to make sigs, so it is like a dojo, teaching marshal arts, or however you spell it.

    EDIT: Telos, your sig is a lot better than your first one! Good job! :)

    I changed it a load of times today,i have changed it again i like this one better :creep: go look in my picture album if you whould like to see my "attempts".

  2. If i am reading it right you went and used pokesav on poke plat 2 didnt you?then you went and renamed it to poke plat it should be the other way around.if thats what you did maybe the edits you made were deleted because you renamed it afterward.

    when you saved in uncompressed did you change back to compressed?

    if you still dont have it fixed put it up here i can fix it.

  3. hhmm it sounds like you used the walk through walls code and in doing so have skipped major game events or else you used pokesav to teleport directly to towns.This same thing happend me in plat only it was prof oak at the pal park he just stands there and doesnt move i just ignore him.

  4. Damio,When you use the no$gba to vba converter a SAV BAK is always created along with the new pokesav compatible SAV

    dark F after you convert the SAV what do you do after that?

    When i do this(to make pokesav work)I use uncompressed then when i know it works fine change to Raw.the advantage of changing to Raw is that you can go use pokesav any time,if you leave it as uncompressed you have to go through the whole converting/name changing thing every time you wish to use pokesav.

  5. Man, Zafur, you've had tons of pets. And some very interesting ones at that.

    @ telos: O_o Your dog ate your chicken? That's... sick.

    Cute cat pictures, everyone. I like the last one, Okami's cat, the most. So fluffy. :)

    There is a story to it,first though i whould like to say chickens are some of the dumbest/funniest animals i have ever seen they make me laugh.The story,The chickens were always escaping and running around this one sadly escaped and jumped into the dogs home(which is a garage)and the next morning we found his bones there,I have no idea what became of the other chicken probably went off to be in movies:D

  6. when you began did you save when it was still compressed then changed it to uncompressed then save again then go to no$gba to vba and save in that again before converting?

    Did you make sure you changed pokemon plat 2 sav exactly to the name of the original file it has to be exact spaces,symbols,capitals must be exact.

    Did you by any change rename the SAV BAK instead of the new SAV?

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