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Endless Eden

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Posts posted by Endless Eden

  1. Try putting him to sleep or give breloom a berry to weaken psychics power

    Magmortar learns psychic to!!

    My magmortar and electivire both know it :D Both currently lv77

    I am working on flygon now he's lv82 ahh he's the best :D

  2. Kunaidude got his laptop back but it has been wiped so hes out of action a bit longer i am sure he will be hanging around though.


    You can join the social group if you like i am kinda the boss there and if your avatar making is anything like your sig making your more than welcome to join :wink:

    You can submit any random work you make there and then it will be at our mercy

    There for us to comment on.

    A test okay try making silentfox's :wink:

  3. its no problem i have a lot of web pages bookmarked with cheats here,

    to use these press L+R in game then go to the pokemart to get the corresponding item

    (use one at a time or it will mess up the game!)

    member pass [L+R]

    94000130 fcff0000

    b2101d40 00000000

    0000b5d4 00000008

    d2000000 00000000

    Will not work unless you do the Cresselia event first.

    Azure Flute [L+R]

    94000130 fcff0000

    b2101d40 00000000

    0000b5d4 0000000a

    d2000000 00000000

    Secret Key [L+R]

    94000130 fcff0000

    b2101d40 00000000

    0000b5d4 0000000c

    d2000000 00000000

    oaks letter [L+R]

    94000130 fcff0000

    b2101d40 00000000

    0000b5d4 00000009

    d2000000 00000000

    Manaphy Egg [L+R]

    94000130 fcff0000

    b2101d40 00000000

    0000b5d4 00000007

    d2000000 00000000

    there you go i also have the movie shaymin and regiggias code if you need that to

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