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Endless Eden

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Posts posted by Endless Eden

  1. I am glad you like it :D

    Haha i just noticed your a girl i was wondering why does a boy want altaria?silly me :D

    (^dont get me wrong altaria is awesome he's part of my team)

    just right click on the image and choose properties and copy the location then go to change your avatar and put in the location then it will come up :wink:

  2. magma/aqua return?cool! Heres the scenario i am seeing,

    You beat the champ and can go to kanto you go to the sevi islands and discover team magma/aqua(depends on version) is after a legendary pokemon on 8 island (kyogre/groudon) they find the gemstone needed to awaken the pokemon (remember in leaf/fire the two gems needed to trade with the hoenn region?those) but the pokemons full climate abilities are surpressed by a mystical power on a nearby island...long story short you go to the island defeat the magma/aqua boss and take the gemstone the legendary pokemon then attacks you and you battle and defeat/catch it job done!

    this seems very plausible to me :D

  3. Yeah maybe a reward from oak/elm for reaching certain milestones on the pokedex whould be nice like,

    200 caught get treeko from elm and bulbasaur from oak

    300 caught get torchic from elm and charmander from oak

    400 caught get mudkip from elm and squirtle from oak

    And then when you have all 493 you either get the starter that was never picked at the start or you get to pick a sinnoh starter.

    ^ This whould be a major incentive to complete the pokedex for me anyway...O_o

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