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Endless Eden

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Posts posted by Endless Eden

  1. lolol okay :)

    I can't think of anything else to put in!

    I just have one question, because I'm an amateur graphic artist myself: what did you do to get the background? I really like it :)

    I only have Photoshop version 7.0.1 or something like that, so the filters are limited for me...

    It's great! I love the swirlies, and the colors!! No hard feelings, but this is what always happens whenever you get more than one signature made for you lol, but for the moment I'm going to use Narwhal's. I'll switch to yours every so often, don't worry :)

    No hard feeling's :wink:

    I am used to narwhal outdoing me i know he is way better but i whould like to think i can hold my own...look at me i am babbling :D

  2. it is sapphire because latias is the red one so he's in the blue game and the opposite for


    i think You can check the tv for regular update's but i am sure this is the method, it is all up to luck.

    the route south of mauville and the the route west of lilycove are the 2 place's i kept navigating between and i got him in the end it took a while though..

  3. When the player defeat's the pokemon league the game is saved and the player is in his/her bedroom when the game restart's when you go downstair's go to the tv and it will give a special report of how a red and white pokemon has been seen flying all over hoenn now latias is a random encounter pokemon in the wild i recomend the route below mauville it is where i found latios in my ruby i was just walking along and out he come's i was like WTF!!!

    ahh good time's :D

  4. Ok guys stop with the arguing!

    I will use that 2nd giratina pic the "stolen" one and i will do the avatar later okay?

    i am very busy as i said be patient.

    No more arguing guy's or i will report you ok and there will be no exception's

    And the social group is for the artist's who make avatar's here not random people O_o

  5. As in a pokemon you have caught in-game? sure Just open the pokemon in pokesav and it's 4 move's will be in the middle of the box,click on one of the move's then you can pick whatever move you like obviously if you pick a move the pokemon doesn't naturally learn then it is no longer legal if you want to find out what move's your pokemon can learn look here,


    Hope i helped :D

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