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  1. I was honestly just going though and was going to make a library of all of the legends and UBs pokemon from the max lair, ive even checked somebody elses files and they are coming up bad as well. For some reason, the other legends are fine. I have one ub that looks good now, but the others still have errors. Oh well never mind, I started to get a bunch of them, rerolls just weren't working in my favor I guess.
  2. Once you leave the raid with the legendary that you caught, you can no longer catch it again. So no, sadly you can no longer shiny hunt the suicune.
  3. I've been trying to make shiny max lair ultra beasts, I can do so with the normal legendary pokemon, but each time I get the static encounter shiny mismatch error. Is that just a current bug in the system that. I read above and tried shuffling for a working PID, but it was all for not over the course of 10 minutes. Is that just an issue with the current system where it requires the pkhex to be able to choose the right PID for max lair as the meeting location or is there any other way besides shuffling the PID's? Thank you
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