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Everything posted by ForTheWin00

  1. Thank you. My main question was whether or not id have any problems with the legality of pokemon transfering them to ORAS. I imagine I would have to do them one by one so the met data can change. But id have to see. I don't want to invest time into playing the game again if I cant keep the mons from it.
  2. I just did a test with my SS to AS game. And it seems to have worked. PKHex seemed to automatically select Poke Transfer for met location. Now for my next question, Is there any way to quickly select a whole box of pokemon or do I need to select one at a time?
  3. to save all the pokemon I obtain and send them to my cartridge copy of Alpha Sapphire to then use bank to them send all those pokemon to home? Does HG/SS have any special rules I need to know? I wont be genning any pokemon only saving the ones I legitimately catch, but I don't know if I need to worry about memories or anything since I don't remember if the transfer from nds to 3ds games made any memory changes? Disclaimer: I already own SS and I'm using the rom because my copy of the game is currently lost in storage somewhere. But my question is not about the rom in any way, only simply whether or not when I take the pokemon files off SS to put them into my AS game, whether or not I'll have any problems with memories or anything of the sort if I just simply copy them all over?
  4. So my goal is to get a living dex in home. I have ORAS, Ultra Sun, and Pokemon X for my 3ds and sure I can between the three games catch most of the mons I need and use PKHeX for any unobtainable mons. But I do want to try and collect all pre gen 8 mons as legit as possible. So far I've only used PKHeX for mythical events that aren't available anymore. So on to my question, If I load up a Rom for say SoulSilver/HeartGold or Emerald and run a playthrough on my pc and then take the save file afterwards into PKHeX and copy the pokemon from there and just directly put them into my ORAS game, and then load bank and upload them to HOME, would this theoretically work? If I need to Gen any mons between pre ORAS Gen do I need to do anything specific? Most of the time if I gen a pokemon I use the encounter Database to make the most legit mon I can. I reroll the PID and Encryption Constant before I ever inject the mons. I don't care to use PKHeX for shinies or anything either. Just simply want to know if I'll run into any problems taking my rom mons from previous generations and for the most part copying them exactly as they are caught over to ORAS so I can import to bank. And if I need to gen a mon for any reason from those generations what I need to know. I read somewhere that pre gen 4 things get trickier?
  5. I don't know if you'll see this comment. But I just imported this WC into my Ultra Sun game and the date met is todays date (8/17/2021) is this technically okay? I couldnt figure out how to change the date on the actual pokemon met. I will never use this competitively and only trading up to pokemon home eventually. I should have nothing to worry about right?
  6. Is this currently possible? I only have a hacked 3ds and not switch. Would I be able to make the mons I want from gen 8 and inject them in to my USUM or ORAS game then upload to bank and then home?
  7. If I use a wonder card to get say mew in Oras and decide I want another one, mark it unused and get it again under the same save file and OT would that be caught by game freak hack check? Would I need to make a new save file for this purpose? Using to get a couple copies of mythicals. All Pokémon would be migrated straight to Pokémon home. Not sure if that would change anything.
  8. Awesome thank you very much for all your help and putting up with my stupid questions. I think i know what you mean by the transfer up process. I wouldnt have to change anything on the mon correct? just drag to the left then right click and set into my game? or do i need to change the met data or anything?
  9. Oh bet! I went ahead and got all the US wondercards I found under Gen 6, but if theres anything I missed that was region locked, i'll be sure to change the region, but keep the language ENG. Another question I literally just thought of before you responded, how does one get any mythicals that dont show up on gen 6 wondercards? or are there any? Also I created myself 3 Dittos using my trainer ID instead of Pporg and used the wild encounter, and instead of making one of each nature I made three. I realized I can get natures from the other pokemon through trading with others and thus not needing a ditto for each one. It sounded like a cool idea but wasnt practical lol. I made the language on them Jpn but left the region US. was that okay? (these are only for breeding purposes and will never be used online)
  10. Okay that makes sense. So for the kangaskhan I wouldnt be able to put in my game since my region is Us and Language is ENG. Or could I drag it onto the left side of PkHeX and edit its region then save again and then implement it into Mystery gift? And For this Hoopa, Since it says English Via US and JP units, I would technically be okay?
  11. Awesome. I found this (https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/34-english/) All of these would be fine in my game or no? Or would i need to change any of the regions/languages? Really sorry if this was already answered. Just a little fuzzy on the whole thing.
  12. So I checked that link about regions and what not, and found on the download link for the events with the table that shows which regions can allow which events (https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/6-generation-7-3ds/). This may be a stupid question, but I'm in Us and my game language is ENG. If the pokemon in question is only say Japan, does that mean I cant put it in my game or I can, but I have to change the language or region on the pokmeon in PkHeX to show it was obtained in Japan with JPN the language? And with Wonder cards theres no need to worry about OT and TID and stuff correct?
  13. So would you say that having the dittos all with the same OT wouldnt be a good idea? and that I should release them from my Sword game? I guess that was kind of not needed as I could just grab the parent pokemon and use their nature when breeding with the ditto so only 1 or 2 dittos would technically be needed. As far as wondercards, are they something I can just download from here? not entirely sure how they work exactly. I did find after clicky SAV and then Mystery Gift I could inject Event mons that way and then receive them from the lady in the Pc Center. Is this the correct way? Its the way I got my Mew. as well as I had a Darkrai that I eventually released because I was nervous lol. Thanks for all your help and quick response!
  14. Okay, so my main goal is to finally have a complete living national dex in pokemon home. I've bought a 3ds and plan on playing the games legitly in order to catch what I need for the dex. But it's come to my understanding that there are pokemon that cannot be caught anymore (I.E the mythicals and some legendaries) so with this being said I decided to look into PkHex and create those pokemon that I need to help complete this dex. I downloaded the ORAS save (as I play on AS) from one of the downloads on this site that includes all 721 pokemon (before gen 8, as I have sword) and I used that save for the OT and TID for these pokemon the OT on that save is Pporg. My question is, is it just as simple as dragging those mons into my game save and they're perfectly legal? In AS they show the my name as the current OT and shows Pporg as the original OT. But does that make these perfectly legal? I don't plan to use them much on online play but in the event I want to use them on online raids in SwSh or possibly comp play in the future will these be okay after being transferred to bank, then to home, then to Sword? From what I understand after they go through home then sword they are basically sort of clean, provided the stats aren't all wonky and obviously hacked. I have tested the Wonder card thing and got a mew that I put into my sword game this way and the OT says GF (im assuming means "gift") My other question is I loaded the save from that I downloaded here and went to the encounter database to get a ditto to make my own 6iv ditto and that way it would show pporg as the OT and shows that it was caught in Omega ruby at mirage cave. This ditto showed as completely legal so i went along with it. I made it shiny as well as gave it Pokerus. I decided to make one of each nature and just used the same ditto i found from the encounter, making its IV's perfect and just changing the Nature of each one, thus creating 25 Dittos. I put them into bank and then to my sword. So on Sword they say OT; Pporg and the met data says something along the lines of that they traveled far from Hoenn. are these dittos safe to use for breeding in Sword? I wanted to make all the dittos Japan and I even changed the region on PkHex but thought that would cause legal issues, even though the legality check found no issues. But with the TID of Pporg i thought something would catch if he/she had Japan mons that were encountered in Japan as well as France (the Original region) Also France didnt seem to translate to the Dittos, and I just noticed on my Sword that none of them are France Region. I'm still not 100% certain how changing IV values work as I tried taking the Groudon from that save file and whenever I changed IV's I got a PID error so I just left it alone. Sorry for the book, but just trying to create legal mons for breeding as well as the mythicals I can no longer get anymore due to events being over and such.
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