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Everything posted by Icehawk78

  1. This is a new thread that I'm starting to keep track of research into the new B/W GTS. Infinite Recursion has released an update to IR-GTS to work with 5G. Please take all questions regarding his program to this thread: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?14266-IR-GTS-BW-Release&p=118574 I've done some research including stuff based off of what GrovyleGibberish found. (Updated 3/10/11 as per magical's discovery of response hash) The process is roughly the same as that of Platinum and HG/SS. Challenge/response is handled as follows: SALT = 'HZEdGCzcGGLvguqUEKQN' request: [url]http://gamestats2.gs.nintendowifi.net/syachi2ds/web/[/url][worldexchange or common]/[action]?pid=####### response: [challenge token] request: [url]http://gamestats2.gs.nintendowifi.net/syachi2ds/web/[/url][worldexchange or common]/[action]?pid=#######&hash=[sHA1(SALT+token)]&data=[base64 encoded request data] response: [response]+SHA1(salt + [base 64 encoded response] + salt); Differences: Salt for the request hash ('HZEdGCzcGGLvguqUEKQN' instead of 'sAdeqWo3voLeC5r16DYv') Request URL (syachi2ds/web... instead of whatever the old one was) Response hash (The game checks this, to verify that it's a real server and not a fake one.) Action Items: Determine response salt. (Rom hackers/peoples who found the request salt? I never found the original, just worked with it after someone else figured it out for me.) (3/10/11 - magical) Map out fill list of expansion of "data" part of the request Update - currently in progress. Doesn't quite match Grovyle's mode, but is close. Map out structure of "GTS Info" with Pokemon response data (searching and traded pokemon each) If you want to help: If you know how to do rom hacking and research without someone holding your hand, the response salt is the biggest thing stopping me from going further. Find that and we'll have a working sendpkm in a few days, basically. New: Work on mapping out GTS info either sent to/from the server. Look at the data=[stuff] portion of a request, run it through a Base64 decoder, and figure out which bytes mean what. If you're not sure how else you can help, come visit us in the IRC (irc.pokestation.net, #projectpokemon). I'm 'nicholas' in the IRC and occasionally will ask for help with testing code when I get new ideas. Please don't be stupid, and please don't answer questions if you're just guessing. ===== The following other details haven't actually been verified by me personally in a transaction but are presumably accurate. As far as I can tell, this seems to be primarily asking specifically about the search requests/responses.
  2. It's possible to load up any created wondercard into one of the leaked Event Distribution roms, and essentially turn your DS into something like a Toys R Us/Gamestop Event Hotspot. But this is still only local range WiFi - sending them via the Nintendo WFC is and always will be impossible, unless they specifically make it so, for the reasons already given by Poryhack.
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