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  1. Thank you, I apologize for the unclear question. Thank you so much for this clarification.
  2. Hi, I have a question about this Pokemon. When this Pokemon is in game in SwSh, the OT displays "???". However the OT is shown correctly in PkHex and not flagged as illegal. I attach a picture here Thank you in advanced.
  3. While using Pkhex, change the Encryption Constant value according to the pattern you want To find the specific value according to the pattern I wanted, I used this page: https://gatorshark.webs.com/Spinda Painter.htm Hope this helps
  4. Hi everyone, Im not sure if this is the right place to post this I used to share in a group Max Raids of SquareShiny Pokemon with 6 IVs + Competitive Natures and Abilities. I've got one save for each Pokemon final form (some exceptions like Pikachu, Slowpoke, Eevee and Rockruff) but I did the mistake of not taking note of the details of each raid. I'm kinda still sharing Raids from time to time, but this time Im taking notes of the Raid Seeds, Den#, Index and Type of Raid in a spreadsheet. I just wanted to share the spreadsheet (which im still updating) with everyone, I hope is useful for somebody: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b8jOXSDMZ7HnYaZWzMSpdhihRmw9tx58PohOgeKBOBU/edit#gid=0 I didnt re-invent the wheel or anything, Im using RaidFinder by AdmiralFish to find all those Seeds, Im sure most people here are familiar with it.
  5. Understood, thank you! I'll experiment by changing the seed manually
  6. Hi, I was unable to find a topic related to this (I think I originally posted it in the wrong place too) I was wondering if it was possible to edit which Pokemon are offered for rental when you start Dynamax Adventure and also edit the ones that appear in the Max Lair paths (Not the legendary at the end). I noticed a seed in "KMaxLairRentalChoiceSeed" but I have no idea how the game uses it. Has anyone figured it out? This is the seed I mentioned Cheers!
  7. Hi, I was unable to find a topic related to this I was wondering if it was possible to edit which Pokemon are offered for rental when you start Dynamax Adventure and also edit the ones that appear in the Max Lair paths (Not the legendary at the end). I noticed a seed in "KMaxLairRentalChoiceSeed" but I have no idea how the game uses it. Anyone has figured it out? Thanks in advance.
  8. I just saw this message, @Darkfiggy If it isnt much of a problem, could you please share it with me? and perhaps give me a short tutorial on how to use it? Thanks!
  9. This is actually already possible but not as straightforward as you might like. To configure this you have to go to: 1. SAV tab 2. Open Block Data 3. In the new modal, select the Dump tab 4. In the "Block Key" search for: KMaxKairSpeciesID1Noted, KMaxKairSpeciesID2Noted, KMaxKairSpeciesID3Noted. 5. Select one of those 3 options 6. Set the pokemon Living Dex number in the Value field on your right 7. Close, Export main, profit! Hope that was helpful!
  10. Thank you @Kaphotics ! I just looked up how to do the dump using pkNX as you instructed, I'll give it a shot later today: Link to Tutorial for Step 1:
  11. Hi, I've captured the Legendary Pokemon and I was wondering if there is someway to reset a flag somewhere in the save file so I can share those raids (also some Shiny hunt, etc). I downloaded and build the "master" branch from PkHex since it seems to have some work done related to that, but Im honestly totally lost when it comes to block editing. I was wondering if someone could point me to the right direction (some dummy tutorial) about how can I reset the Legendary flags in my save. Thank you all in advance. Cheers!
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