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Posts posted by skyline29

  1. Thank you to all of you who work to make PKHeX so amazing as it is, I don't have a clue how many hours you all put into it but you all do an amazing job so Thank you!

    Would just like to say,,,, I don't know why so many are complaining and asking when the update will be released for the new DLC for Sword/Shield can't we all just enjoy the DLC for what it is for now not forgetting the hours game freak have put into making the DLC as well let's all just have fun and enjoy it for now! *This is not me getting at anyone just my opinion and want people to appreciate what the team behind PKHeX are doing!

    So please everyone just be thankful we have an amazing site like this with all the hard working individuals that are working on the update and be thankful they are already working on it we are all lucky to have this and enjoy it for all the years they have been doing it, brill JOB to all of you!!!! *clap *clap *clap



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  2. I have found this to be when the move is incorrect, I have found to just choose a different move, or if it is the correct move for the correct gen game to just re enter the move, and click legalize  option and that sorts it everytime for me

  3. I have now sorted this issue, I will write how I sorted this below so if anyone else gets this problem they will know how to solve it.

    Ok so as mentioned my CFW switch would not trade wireless local communication in Y-commn on pokemon SW/SH when using CFW to trade to my non-CFW legit switch, no matter if either console was connected to the internet fully or using 90DNS or if either wasn't connect to any WIFI at all and just using the wireless, I tried it all sorts of ways it would not connect however if the CFW switch was back in non-CFW mode they would connect wireless perfect.

    I could put the SD card in my laptop and modify the save on PKHex put it back in the CFW switch and the modify save file would be there and it would play off from where I left it but no matter what way around it, it would not connect via wireless locally communication in Y-commn to my non-CFW switch note: both switches were on the same software versions 10.0.2 and both SW/SH where on the same software versions as well 1.1.1 so it wasn't to do with software versions in the consoles or games.

    Y-commn would work as it should when the CFW switch was in non-CFW mode so I knew there was an issue in the CFW software causing this or the new versions of the software in the console or games patching this to not work . Now onto the fix.

    So when you go into CFW mode (on my switch using latest atmosphere software when I wrote this 0.12 I think it is) you have the Hekate screen pop up on your switch with your emuMMC options launch , payloads etc following all correct guides I knew it wasn't an issue with files in the SD card when making a emuMMC and emuMMC backups. When you go into payloads and choose fuseeprimary.bin the above issues happen, when you go back to Hekate and choose CFW-emuMMC the above issues happen, when you go back to Hekate and choose stocksysnan or stocksysmmc (note I didn't mention CFW-sysmmc we will get to this option later) this would obviously then run it in non-CFW mode and it'll run off the systems internal memory and though everything would work perfect, it's not what you want as you won't be able to use the edited save files from the SD card it'll be running of internal memory storage so in my case it would start a new game as the save data was in my SD card.

    With this I tried all sorts of combinations of using CFW transferring saves via checkpoint and then seeing if it worked in non-CFW mode with the SD card still in but nothing would work it would just start a new story not reading from the SD card save data or when in CFW the local communications wouldn't work.

    I accidentally come across the fix (note I deleted all WIFI settings on both consoles so when in either mode I could make sure both consoles were using wireless communication only and it's safer for using a CFW switch I tried this in non-CFW mode and they connect (you DO NOT NEED to be connect to the internet for the Y-commn local communication to connect between the consoles) when in CFW mode I selected CFW-sysmmc from the launch menu instead to start the CFW on the switch then I went into checkpoint to make a backup of my save file and restore it to play that save file in CFW mode it played where I left off from and the modified save had the extra pokemon I transferred via PKHex into my pokemon Box so now I knew the save edit from PkHex worked as well, I came out of the game went to remove the game card to put in pokemon SW instead of the SH I accidentally turned the console completely off and then it lost it's CFW I booted the console back up and kept the SH game in so I booted it up and it started off from my current save that was on my SD card with the PKHex pokemon. I checked all the local wireless communication in Y-commn it connected to my non-CFW switch and they traded and worked perfectly in local communication and that was the fix.

    So for some reason to sum it up if you have this issue you can follow this step by step.  Turn the switch off completely remove the SD card with the SD card now removed from your switch do whatever you want to the save file on your SD card on your laptop or computer (make backups just in case) after you have done what you need to do put the SD card back into your CFW switch connect your switch to your computer and start the CFW process (RCM method in my case) once on the Hekate menu select "Launch" then select "CFW-sysmmc" then once it's all up and running use checkpoint to backup that save from the SD card then press restore, then check it's playing the correct file with the added save extras you put on it if it is then it's working correctly then exit the game, I also just press restore again in checkpoint after I exit the game to be safe, then turn the switch completely off, but leaving the SD memory card in the console, turn the switch back on now that the switch is in it's legit factory OFW mode so non-CFW then boot up the game and it will be playing the same save file from the SD card with the save file you edited with any extra items pokemon etc you put on it, and now you can connect via local communication to your other switch to trade. DONE.

    If you do any changes on the save file when in the non-CFW mode so say for instance you progress in the story further or change pokemon in your boxes etc and want to transfer that save with the changes to the SD card you need to turn the switch off completely and start the CFW process again and launch it in CFW-sysmmc then go to checkpoint press backup and then restore (you can rename the file something to help remember which one it is to locate it easier on the computer). This will now update the SD card with any new changes you made to your saved game if you want to get it from the internal memory storage back onto the SD card. 

    I know this is long but I really wanted to be as helpful as I could and provide as much information as I could as it took me a long time to sort this out and figure it out, so hopefully this will save someone else a lot of time.

    I do not know if this is the way I should have been doing it all along maybe it was but I couldn't find any information anywhere on searching this forum or searching google to confirm this or even somewhere that someone else mentioned doing it this way, as mentioned I kinda found it out by accident but it now works exactly how I want it and I'm really happy with it and how PKHex works.

    Thanks to everyone who tried to help me out with this issue and taking there time as well :) 

    Disclaimer anyone trying this method the way I mentioned above is at their own risk I do not take responsibility for anything going wrong or damaging their consoles in this process anyway, use at your own risk.


  4. 35 minutes ago, tyr4nt23 said:

    "I'm unsure if they connect online to verify the transfer process, but given that I bring my CFW Switch online, I've never really checked (my internet settings are saved on that Switch)"

    You better believe it does lol! I had a CFW switch and a non-CFW switch and was doing this exact thing. 1 1/2 weeks later, i got the ban hammer from Nintendo on my CFW Switch :(

    Many updates prior, i don't believe the profiles had to connect to the Nintendo servers to verify, but now they do unfortunately...

    But how can they connect online to check the transfer if when I'm in non-CFW mode and have no internet or WIFI settings on either console and am running of the internal memory on both they can trade perfectly via local wireless? There is no way then they can check anything as they aren't connected to any network. Yet once I run the CFW and then press Y-commn it just doesn't connect locally at all? There has to be something in the CFW causing this or I am doing something else wrong.

    The only way I can take pokemon from PKHex to my save file on my non-CFW switch is to transfer user profiles over and then transfer save data between them each time, this will work however I didn't want to do it this way as it means I'll have to connect to the internet every time I use my CFW switch

  5. 2 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    I have Wifi settings on both Switches, so I never checked, but I do have my WiFi on Switches on.
    I know that on y-comm I don't need to be connected to internet.
    (same user profile, so only one Switch can connect at a time)


    If I disconnected my CFW switch from the internet when I go into Y-comm it just jumps out and won't even let me select trade, if I keep trying to press trade quickly before it jumps out the game freezes 

  6. 2 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Unless you installed crap via the CFW, there's no reason for CFW to be causing the issue.

    Like I said, I am able to use my CFW Switch to communicate with my non-CFW Switch. As far as I can tell, I did not install crap on it.
    (I pretty much only use CFW for save managers at this point)

    Well if it works for you, then it works.
    You have a unique problem that it doesn't appear anyone else has, so doubt we'll be able to solve it or give suggestions about it.

    I don't have any crap on my CWF I only installed it yesterday and only thing I have added to it was checkpoint for the save editing that is it. I won't be using it for anything else.

    I can transfer my user profiles over to each one via locally it's just in game it won't work locally this is the only issue

  7. @theSLAYER So back to what we were talking about yesterday with my CFW switch not doing local trades, I have done some messing around. and found out something odd but interesting. 

    So I decided to  do a a process of elimination to this problem, so I started a new game on a new user on my CFW switch but I decided to remove the CFW from the console (so removed the SD card) to run it off the internal memory like it normally would to see if there was a problem with my physical game or the console itself, now when I got to the point in the story you can trade I went into local trades and both consoles connected with each other without an issue and very quick. So with that I knew everything is working as it should with both consoles.

    Then I decided to start over with the CFW switch so I formatted the SD card transferred all the new files over to the formatted card so basically starting from scratch followed the correct guides again and started the process again with now the console in CFW mode, I booted the game up it started off where I left it when it traded locally without an issue, I and went into local trade ( using all the same WIFI settings that was on it before I put it into CFW mode) and nothing does not work at all will not connect locally.

    I removed the SD card again booted the switch up to make it run in it's normal format booted up the game it started off where it left off, I connected it to local trade and it worked.

    So there is defiantly something in CFW causing the local trades not to work? 

    Any idea what could be causing this odd issue, I have searched for hours and can't find anything to why this is happening? 

    When I start the CFW up and copy everything from the internal memory to the SD card using the emuMMC method shouldn't the saved game data be on the memory card? As when I remove the card it must still be on the internal memory as it will load right up from the last save in non-CFW mode, maybe this is the issue? I'm now thinking I have to use checkpoint to copy the save data to the SD card so it will work correctly in CFW mode? will it leave a copy on the internal memory or does it just transfer it to the SD card.


    Right so I have now used checkpoint to restore the save file to the SD card to make sure it is running off the SD in CFW mode (which I know it should be) but to double check. 

    When I restore the save file and begin the game in CFW mode it will not trade locally at all between the two games, both are on same versions same WIFI etc. The consoles even connect via locally on other things like finding users to add as friends while one switch is in the CFW mode and they connect so now I know the CFW isn't affecting the local connection else where it is only affecting local trades when in the games, I can not understand why they are not trading locally in the games when they work locally out of the game??

  8. 1 hour ago, FireFrame said:

    Sorry out of the topic a little bit.

    But are you implying that I could transfer a user from non-CFW switch to a CFW switch, and vice versa?

    That means.... I could transfer legit user sav to a CFW switch then edit it there

    and then transfer it back to the non-CFW switch?

    Yes you can transfer user profiles between consoles, I have done this, however you will need to connect the CFW switch to the same WIFI to allow local connection to work to transfer the save user profiles between them else they will not connect.

  9. 1 hour ago, DragonMax08 said:

    Bro you cannot trade locally while your switch is in airplane mode. Take off airplane mode then you will be able to trade locally. The systems versions as nothing to do with it. 

    Yes I know that you can't use WIFI if in airplane mode when it's fully enabled, this isn't the problem, as I have tried it online as well as offline

  10. 7 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    If you were willing to risk your CFW Switch, get the CFW and non-CFW Switch to share the same user profile.

    HOME is tied to your Nintendo account, so HOME will work on either device, and connect to the same HOME account.
    This way, you can transfer mons from inside the save from one device to another, via HOME.

    Definitely riskier than simply doing local trades, but definitely faster too.

    Yeah this is why I don't want to you use HOME and why I wanted to use local trades and the reason why I bought a SW and SH version both physical games not digital downloads.

    It's so odd as to why I can't use local trades between the two consoles but everything else works perfect I'd rather get it to work via local trading from on switch on CFW using SH and the non-CFW switch using SW so then it's safer that way but what ever I do it won't allow me to use local trading

  11. 19 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    that sounds confusing.

    What game are you trying to back up?
    Checkpoint on CFW Switch will not affect your non-CFW device. It does not magically travel to the other Switch.

    I don't get what you're trying to do.

    Sorry I explained that terrible, I have now sorted it by transferring my save data from my sword game save file on my non CFW to my CFW switch and used PKHex to transfer a few pokemon over to see if it works and it all works and it does :) Thanks for your help.


    Something I am wondering now though is there a quicker way to get the new saved data with the gen pokemon from PKHex on my CFW swtch to my non CFW switch without having to keep transferring data between the two switches over and over? Or is this the only way? Thanks

  12. 3 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    try checking your Switch settings and stuff. Unless you bought a defective unit, no reason for it to be unable to trade locally.

    You use 90DNS right? Try to go online or something.

    Try creating a new user profile on the unhacked Switch. It would have an option to Import Existing User (or something).
    Use that to receive the user from the hacked Switch to the unhacked Switch. That process should carry over the save as well.

    Make sure you back up the save on the hacked Switch onto your computer, before you continue.

    Tho, given that requires local communication, so you gotta make sure your CFW Switch local communication isn't broken.

    OK so I have done as you mentioned, only thing I have found is the save data from my non CFW switch is on the CFW switch internal memory, how do I transfer that to the SD card?

  13. 49 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Hmm, I don't recall needing to link a Nintendo Account to trade locally.
    That's only for Mystery Gift and online connection, if I'm not mistaken.

    Edit: Just tested on another profile I created that isn't link to Nintendo Account.
    It can local trade without linking.

    Awesome thank you, I'm starting a new save in my new user profile now to see what happens, I'll let you know hopefully it's just a new save it needed cross fingers


    49 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Hmm, I don't recall needing to link a Nintendo Account to trade locally.
    That's only for Mystery Gift and online connection, if I'm not mistaken.

    Edit: Just tested on another profile I created that isn't link to Nintendo Account.
    It can local trade without linking.

    Me again, so I tried the new save and it didn't work, so I guess now I'll just have to link my other profile from my non CFW switch to my CFW switch and place the sword in the CFW console and transfer pokemon from PKHex that way. How do I get my save file from my non CFW to my CFW switch?

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  14. 7 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Just play in CFW mode. CFW mode usually doesn't impact the save. (my save has always been on CFW mode).

    It could be injections or cheat code related, if it is indeed the save.
    (I don't use cheats or PKHeX on this save that I go online with)

    I haven't even used PKHex yet on the CFW console or any cheats this is why I'm so confused as other than having the console in CFW mode I haven't done anything else wrong


    how do I delete the current save file on my CFW switch?

  15. 2 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Maybe there's something wrong with your Switch settings, or your Switch's wireless card itself, or the save itself.
    (Also possible that yoru non-hacked Switch is the problem. Check if it can go online, to narrow down which device is the problem)
    Check those points individually, to find the root cause of the problem.

    Besides sending the save to someone else to hope they trade you the mon (but who wants to risk their hacked Switch really),
    the only other thing you can do is solve the root cause of the problem.
    If you don't solve it, your hacked Switch won't be able to trade.

    The save is probably the easiest to test.
    Create a new user profile on the CFW Switch, play through the game till you get the Y comm (no hacking at all!),
    then initiate a trade and try to see if your non-hacked Switch can see the save.

    If your hacked Switch could communicate locally, just that the save WAS the problem,
    (not recommended) you can send the save over to the non-hacked Switch (transfer user profile locally),
    then use Pokémon HOME to move the mons from one game to another.

    I tried to connect them locally via a version update of the games (match up) and they connected so now I know both devices will connect to each other both connect to the internet with no issues, maybe it is the save as you say. 

    So should I restart the game and start a new user profile on my CFW switch without any CFW by removing the SD card or should I just replay the game and start a new user profile and continue to use it in CFW mode?

    Hope that made sense

  16. 2 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    Then that should not affect local trades. I'm the opposite of you (Sword Switch Hacked, Shield Switch CFW), and I've been able to trade.

    The one key difference is I don't use 90DNS (I bring my CFW Switch online at times lol), and I doubt adding that would cause it to not trade locally.

    I tried that as well not using the 90DNS and still won't work, is there any other way to trade the pokemon over to my non hacked switch?

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