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3rd Gen Expert

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  1. Yes...I no longer need any FRLG cards though (outside of Club Nintendo promos). Really just looking for Emerald now. Have been selling excess cards on eBay. If you would be interested in some I can share you the link to see what I have left. Be happy to give you a direct price (or if you have emerald cards to trade)
  2. Save was somehow corrupted and I am trying to salvage it. Can see strange things like regular items in Key Items pocket, a missing Trainer Name, and a hacked shiny artillery. Everything else appears to be there, but fixing these above issues still does not let me use the save. What can I do here? I use a BennVenn. POKEMONF.SAV
  3. Hi, I am looking for a faster way to generate a living dex. I don't want a copy of someone else's pokemon (I know how to edit OT and TID), so I want unique PID's. Is there any way to do this efficiently via a Plugin or Batch Editor? Maybe just for Method H pokemon and I can manually do the rest?
  4. So I am just curious about this flag as it has a dependency. For the Roamer flags, I have the instructions here from a Reddit post: Save in your room. Optionally: Delete your S.S. Ticket Uncheck Lati@s Roaming Uncheck Don't spawn Norman in Brendan's/May's House Move to the research tab of event flags: Go to flag 0255, 0291, and 0734 and make sure all of them are unchecked In the constant dropdown box go to 130 change the value to the right of it to 3 140 change the value to 3 213 change the value to 0 Close out of that and go to Roamer Delete all of the IVs, the PID, set the roamer to blank, and finally uncheck "Roaming (Active)" Turn on game; walk downstairs to trigger event But choosing a Lati from the TV also affects what is at Southern Island. Is it already covered by one of the above flags? What other flags are important when doing the above for Southern Island?
  5. Agh, I suspected as much...really thought it would be automatic for some reason. And I just realized why that code didn't work in VS. I mistakenly put the operator in the wrong spot (I actually just copied the code you left in the first reply...you corrected it in a later reply). Thanks, I am finally independent. Two last questions: 1. Is this the same RNG method used for XD Eevee (and Beta Vaporeon and Jolteon)? 2. Regardless of that answer, is there anywhere else that this method is used? THANK YOU!
  6. I have manually downloaded the nuget package and saved as zip. I can see the PKHeX.Core.dll file and can pull it out to reference in linqpad (listed under F4->Additional References), but the XDRNG class is still not found. Perhaps I missed a step...what is a 'roller'?
  7. Is there no Event Constant available for changing the old guy inside the pokemon center here? Any way to edit it without having to mix records?
  8. For some reason, I can't find this particular sprite anywhere. Ended up having to edit it out of a frame of a YouTube video. Can anyone please link me this sprite?
  9. You are a lifesaver. I actually own the e reader cards and have Swiss setup, so this is really about saving time for me when I do it the next time.
  10. That's phenomenal...do you have the code on your SD card still if not a link to the site? I am coming up blank in search results...
  11. I had found a really nice and concise write-up on here for Colosseum save editing, but I can't find it anymore. So we have a flag that is checked to load 1 of 3 Battle E trainers that have a Shadow Pokemon after a set of 20 cards is completed on a difficulty level. How do we change these flags so that we can catch the 3 pokemon without 60 extra battles (on NTSC-U)?
  12. I am looking at injecting pokemon into FireRed early game that are not in the National Pokedex. I am aware there are ways to turn the National Pokedex on, and I do not want this. What happens to a Johto/Hoenn Pokemon that is on a save like this? Can it be used normally and just not be allowed to evolve? Is injection or ACE the only way this could happen, or did Official Distributions ever distribute pokemon to these games without the needed pokedex?
  13. A NuGet package?? I knew the code was on GitHub, but knowing there's a library to access is somehow so wild to me. Alright, next problem: doesn't look like I will be using LinqPad...as I need the paid version to use other NuGet Packages. Which is fine, as I am partial to VS already. However, dump() is not available in VS out the box...so looking at the value of seeds[] while debugging shows index 0 with a value of 723889376 after running your little script. Converting to hex is 2B25ACE0, which is not '3074D719'... Where did I go wrong?
  14. Ah, and there he is. Really didn't want to be another in long line of ignorant people bothering you with the same question but here we are. Thanks...I suspected there may be additional restrictions on TID/SID options/combinations after I exhausted everything else. While I appreciate you citing the source, is there no way to calculate this sort of thing without directly tapping the source code (for method dump() and class XDRNG)?
  15. Have spent 3 hours trying to research and replicate the Umbreon/Espeon generation. Either I still don't get it, or my arbitrary TID/SID combo doesn't work. Still haven't gotten a straight answer on whether or not PKhex is 'wrong' when it says that unedited Umbreon/Espeon's are flagged as illegal, just explanations about Umbreon being generated 7 frames later than expected...and Espeon being generated 7 frames after Umbreon, and the correct Espeon PID being another 2 frames ahead. Working with the pair that is already available here shows 'Bite' is illegal. Whatever. Changes: OT: Wes TID: 64821 SID: 34625 Don't care about anything else. Getting discrepancies (both wrong in pkhex of course) when using Pokefinder vs RNG Reporter. Also unsure why Espeon/Umbreon aren't in the encounter database but Eevee (XD) is. If someone could just walk me through the process it would be appreciated.
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