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Posted (edited)

I decided to try Wifi Battling cause I just finished my DEX. So I went around reading some things in Serebii/Smogon etc about mechanics and what not. So, I just randomly built a team based on the *BST values from Smogon and battled with it for a bit (mostly loses and 2 wins). Someone that knows the ropes on battle help me out here?


Azelf @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 4 Atk/252 Spd/252 SAtk

Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- Stealth Rock

- Trick

- Psychic

- Fire Blast

>>The Trick has been working sometimes, but most of them don't use Taunt instead use Stealh Rock and switch to either PKM resistant to FIRE/PSYCHIC.



Scizor@ Life Orb

Ability: Technician

EVs: 32HP/ 252 Atk/224 Spd

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Superpower

- Bug Bite

- Bullet Punch

>> I was thinking of changing Bug Bite and Superpower with something else, but don't know what.



Zapdos @ Leftovers

Ability: Pressure

EVs: 248 HP/32 Spd/228 SDef

Bold nature

- Roar

- Roost

- Thunderbolt

- Hidden Power [ice]

>>Chose Zapdos to hit those WATER weaks and those DRAGONs too.



Dragonite (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Inner Focus

EVs: 252 HP/52 Atk/204 Spd

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Dragon Dance

- Roost

- Outrage

- Earthquake




Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Intimidate

EVs: 156 HP/72 Atk/96 Def/184 Spd

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Dragon Dance

- Ice Fang

- Waterfall

- Earthquake

>>How can I cover Stone Edge users?



Celebi @ Leftovers

Ability: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP/220 Def/36 Spd

Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Grass Knot

- Heal Bell

- Thunderwave

- Recover

>>This one does a pretty good jump taking hits and recovering. Was thinking what's a better move than Grass Knot? When I use it on 2-4x GRASS weak, there's no KO.


I don't have much to comment on the set since I'm just playing around with it, but any input about the team or even some chagnes would be great.

Edited by Gowon
  Gowon said:


Azelf @ Focus Sash/choice scarf

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 4 Atk/252 Spd/252 SAtk

Naive nature (+Spd, -SDef)

- Stealth Rock

- Taunt/Trick

- Psychic

- Explosion/Fire Blast

Azelf is definitely a good lead to have. Over taunt you could put a trick w/ choice scarf, this way you can nail Aerodactyl before it gets the chance to set rocks (psychic as it taunts and psychic before it gets to do anything else) then later in the game you can ruin walls and other such pokemon like blissey and forretress by tricking them a choice scarf, and setting rocks. Fire blast could work over explosion, for metagross leads.

Either way this set will be walled and owned by Tyranitar switch ins.


  Gowon said:


Metagross @ Choice Band

Ability: Clear Body

EVs: 252 HP/236 Atk/12 Def/8 Spd

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Meteor Mash

- Earthquake

- Explosion

- Bullet Punch

Here, I actually recommend taking out Metagross and going with some form of scizor to kill tyranitar. I'm not sure which variant of tyranitar is going around the most at the moment, but scarftar was floating round like a month back so it might be worth going with scarfed scizor, or if you're not too concerned about the speed, swords dance. I've always preffered the swords dance set personally which is:


Scizor (M) @ Life Orb/Leftovers

Ability: Technician

EVs: 32 HP/252 Atk/224 Spd

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Superpower

- Bullet Punch

- Bug Bite/Roost

This works really really well in killing tyranitar, so with this on team, Ttar is one less big hitter to worry about. The choice between leftovers and life orb is up to you, power or longevity?


  Gowon said:


Zapdos @ Leftovers

Ability: Pressure

EVs: 4 Def/252 SAtk/252 Spd

Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Heat Wave

- Roost

- Thunderbolt

- Hidden Power [ice]

Zapdos does work well offensively, good speed and good offence with nice coverage and a healing move, but with zapdos you've also got the opportunity to use a really strong and effective wall. It depends on how you want to go really, I mean a toxic stalling zapdos will really slow the pace of the game, and that sucks big time on wifi, but similarly something like that could win you the match. So have a think about using a set like this:

Zapdos @ Leftovers

Ability: Pressure

EVs: 248 HP/32 Spd/228 SDef

Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Roar/Substitute

- Roost

- Thunderbolt/Discharge

- Heat Wave/Hidden Power [ice/Grass]/Toxic

With zapdos, as I said, you have a lot of option. Here what you could do is run a sub-roost set to get the toxic stall on. Or you can run defensive phazer (Roar/Roost/Tbolt/Filler) or just a plain old wall (Sub/Roost/Tbolt/Filler) possibly a status platform too(of sorts any way) (Substitute/Roost/Discharge/Toxic). Another thing you could do is completely flip the defences. So put the SDef into Def, with a calm nature and throw on light screen to just become a beastly wall.


  Gowon said:


Dragonite (M) @ Lum Berry/Life orb/Leftover

Ability: Inner Focus

EVs: 252 HP/52 Atk/204 Spd

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Dragon Dance

- Roost

- Outrage

- Earthquake

Good set just choose the correct times to bring him out and give a little more support if he is getting KO'd early. Lum berry will remedy the Status problem, and of course life orb works well in conjunction with roost.


  Gowon said:


Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Intimidate

EVs: 156 HP/72 Atk/96 Def/184 Spd

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Dragon Dance

- Taunt/Substitute/Ice Fang

- Waterfall

- Bounce/Earthquake/Stone Edge

This set is almost like my gyarados :D. You could throw the defence EV's into attack , this gives more power while retainiing reasonable bulk. I don't really like substitute on gyarados, however it is an option for the sub-bounce combo, whilst giving a sheild from status and damage while you DDance. If you decide to keep taunt I would run either EQ or stone edge (personally I run Ddance/Icefang/Waterfall/EQ) To hit dragonite/salamence/infernape/celebi/_pretty_much_everyone lol.


  Gowon said:


Celebi @ Leftovers

Ability: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP/80 Atk/176 Spd

Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Baton Pass

- Swords Dance

- Seed Bomb

- Recover

Got to say I am not a huge fan of this set. As with zapdos, you have the opportunity run a really good and effective support pokemon. If you chose to run the following set, then go for the specially defensive zapdos set above, it should work quite well.

Celebi @ Leftovers

Ability: Natural Cure

EVs: 252 HP/220 Def/36 Spd

Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Grass Knot

- Heal Bell

- Thunderwave/U-turn

- Recover

PRovides status recovery, status infliction, stalling or a chance of scouting.


  Gowon said:

I don't have much to comment on the set since I'm just playing around with it, but any input about the team or even some chagnes would be great.

Looking over the whole team I would say in the last spot you need either a wish passer, or a rapid spinner, because you are quite vulnerable to stealth rock, you don't have a toxic absorber etc.

If you chose to go for the physically defensive zapdos set that I recommended then you could well run a rapid spinning tentacruel in the last spot. Tentacruel has solid special defence, and has a lot of utility options.

Tentacruel (M) @ Black Sludge

Ability: Liquid Ooze

EVs: 252 HP/120 Def/136 SDef

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Rapid Spin

- Sludge Bomb

- Surf

- Knock off/toxic spikes/haze(if you dont go for roar on Zapdos, haze would work well on this set)

Passed this, I can only recommend using the ever present blissey for wish passing (wish/protect/toxic/Filler)

I hope that helped a little :).

Azelf is definitely a good lead to have. Over taunt you could put a trick w/ choice scarf, this way you can nail Aerodactyl before it gets the chance to set rocks (psychic as it taunts and psychic before it gets to do anything else) then later in the game you can ruin walls and other such pokemon like blissey and forretress by tricking them a choice scarf, and setting rocks. Fire blast could work over explosion, for metagross leads.

Either way this set will be walled and owned by Tyranitar switch ins.

Wouldn't Aero still be faster than me or is Trick +1 priority attack?


A choice scarf provides a 1.5x speed boost, which puts azelf on 541 speed, compared to aerodactyl's 394. If you know the opoant you could use trick to lock aerodactyl into taunt. However I would recommend using trick on wall pokemon such as slowbro, forretress, blissey, chansey etc.

Because with the speed the turns would go:

Azelf psychic

Aerodactyl taunt

Azelf psychic

Aero faint

Posted (edited)

Have any advice on Scarf Heatran? I switch in Gyrados; Dance once and try to EQ, but got 2HKO... How can I cover this?

Edit: Updated the team and some other problems.

Edited by Gowon
Posted (edited)

I decided to make another team that covers most weaknesses and this was the best I could do:


Aerodactyl (M) @ Focus Sash

Ability: Pressure

EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd

Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Stealth Rock

- Taunt

- Earthquake

- Rock Slide

>>The usual lead; try and setup Stealth Rock and nothing fancy



Electivire (M) @ Expert Belt

Ability: Motor Drive

EVs: 36 Atk/220 Spd/252 SAtk

Mild nature (+SAtk, -Def)

- Thunderbolt

- Hidden Power [Grass]

- Flamethrower

- Cross Chop

>> I like the movepool here so I try and swtich in for those weak types, but hate the fact that there's atleast 1 PKM with EQ from the other team and is usaully faster than me.


No Tentacruel SPIRTE

Tentacruel (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Liquid Ooze

EVs: 252 HP/120 Def/136 SDef

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Toxic Spikes

- Rapid Spin

- Sludge Bomb

- Hidden Power [Electric]

>> I try and Spin if there's hazards. If not then I use Spikes and pretty much try and stall.



Gyarados (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Intimidate

EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Dragon Dance

- Waterfall

- Ice Fang

- Stone Edge

>>Similar to the OP, but tries to lure Electric attacks for Electivire.



Snorlax (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Thick Fat

EVs: 244 HP/28 Def/236 SDef

Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Rest

- Sleep Talk

- Body Slam

- Earthquake

>>Simple Rest-Talk set and hoping for a good Talks



Rotom-f @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 120 Def/136 Spd/252 SAtk

Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Trick

- Shadow Ball

- Will-o-wisp

- Thunderbolt

>>Try and support Snorlax.


What are your thoughts on this team? Large weaknesses?

Edited by Gowon
  Gowon said:
Just edited the post and played with the team on Shoddy and kept getting sweeped lol.

Ok well, if you have electivire, and you're quite new to competetive battling you could put gyarados in over kingdra. They provide great synergy with eachother, electivire makes use of the thunderbolts directed at gyara, and gyara levitates over the ground attacks aimed at electivire. So try that out that should work well. Gyarados will do the same as kingdra, only arguably better.

I'm not a fan of dusknoir on this team. I fon't think the set works personally, however the ghost typing does provide a nice immunity for snorlax. So you could use a rotom appliance here and use it as a support/spin blocker/physical wall to complement snorlax.

I'd go over to smogon and check out any set for the two recommended pokemon that suits you best. If you'd like you could come over to the Project pokemon server and try it out over here for a bit and I can help you with any holes that are blatantly obvious.

  Gowon said:



Rotom-f @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP/120 Def/136 Spd

Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Blizzard

- Thunderbolt

- Sleep Talk

- Rest

>>Try and support Snorlax, but don't really know how to use.


Do you mean you can't find it or your unsure how to play it? It's right at the bottom of the list in the shoddy drop down box thing.

I don't think the rest talk set is the best for this team, as snorlax is already doing this. The EV spread should work though. I would recommend putting will o wisp over rest, give it choice scarf and put trick as the last move. you may want to consider shadow ball over blizzard 1) for better accuracy 2) so you don't get walled by other rotom.

Actually scratch what I said about the EVs, go for 252 special attack, and leave the rest the same (no HP EV's)

  Tbird said:
Liquid ooze is more useful for the ever abundant leach seeders.

Forgot about those. But still, his Tcruel is running Rapid Spin...

And yeah, I wasn't feeling Kingdra either, Gyarados seems like a great choice. I'm not feeling another RestTalker either, to be honest (never been a fan of that "combo").


  Tbird said:

I don't think the rest talk set is the best for this team, as snorlax is already doing this. The EV spread should work though. I would recommend putting will o wisp over rest, give it choice scarf and put trick as the last move. you may want to consider shadow ball over blizzard 1) for better accuracy 2) so you don't get walled by other rotom.



Just edited the team again. The Electivire switch from Gyarados works, but Electivire can't stay in for long. Should I put in some HP or Def EV?

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Gowon, who won in the Wi-fi Battle? I saw you in a Battle when I was trading with Aarux lol.

For me, I would say Sceptile. I always use these two Movesets for my Shiny Sceptile.


Sceptile @ Choice Specs

Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Timid

252 SpA/252 Spe/4 SpD

- Energy Ball

- Dragon Pulse

- Focus Blast

- Hidden Power Water


Sceptile @ Choice Specs

Ability: Overgrow

Nature: Timid

252 SpA/252 Spe/4 SpD

- Energy Ball

- Leaf Storm

- Focus Blast

- Hidden Power Water


I'm getting the hang of this battling business. Got a nice win streak going. I'm actually looking for a sleeper with hypnosis/spore etc. and the PKM being fast so I can inflict it first. I was thinking of Sceptile with Grass whistle, but the 55% accuracy isn't very pleasing.


Crobat/gengar/persian/Perugly/Rapidash/Ninetales are all base 100+ speeds that can use hypnosis.

Jumpfluff is the fastest Sleep powder user. However Venasaur can run a mean Scarf set w/ Sleep power.

Breloom is a usfull but not so speedy spore user, as is ... that sketch pokemon ... what the hell is it's name xD SMEARGLE.

  • 3 weeks later...

Trying my hands on UU and it's been alright. Here's the team I'm currently using. I've gotten some wins and loses, but I feel that the wins are from 'scrub' players. I'm using the team to play on any tier except uber. So here they are:


Mesprit @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP/46 Def/160 SAtk/50 SDef

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Stealth Rock

- U-turn

- Psychic

- Thunderbolt

>>Using Mespirit as a 'bulky' lead.



Registeel @ Leftovers

Ability: Clear Body

EVs: 252 HP/100 Atk/156 SDef

Careful nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Thunder Wave

- Earthquake

- Seismic Toss

- Explosion

>>To support Mespirit with those bug/ghost/dark attacks. It's been working alright for now.



Lanturn (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Volt Absorb

EVs: 40 HP/44 Def/172 SAtk/252 SDef

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Surf

- Thunderbolt

- Ice Beam

- Heal Bell

>>Decided to go with Heal Bell cause I thought about having a status healer just incase. Also, to absorb some SATK and throw some back at the opponent.



Alakazam (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Synchronize

EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk

Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Substitute

- Encore

- Psychic

- Focus Blast

>>Usual makes an appearance late game. I try to Encore the right move so I can try and 'sweep' or set up.



Absol (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Super Luck

EVs: 252 Atk/4 Def/252 Spd

Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Sucker Punch

- Night Slash

- Stone Edge

>>LOL, I don't know what I was thinking with this one. I seemed like a good idea in my head at the time. The purpose was to use critical hits to my advantage. I currently have it equipped with Scope Lens. I can't seem to bring it in at the right time to set up, but I'm sure it could do some damage.



Claydol @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP/144 Def/112 SAtk

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Rapid Spin

- Explosion

- Earth Power

- Toxic

>>Basic spinner with Toxic to try and stall a bit.


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