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Rate my Team Forum.

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This has probably been brought up before but I would just like to say:

That there needs to be a Rate My Team sub forum in Competitive Battling main forum, having a single thread for posting teams makes things messy and inconvenient, having a dedicated forum for posting rate my team threads would remedy this.

If such a thing is considered then I would recommend these rules.

  • Unless stated your team must consist of 6 pokemon, 1 from a different species (now more than one lucario per team for example).

  • There should be no ubers in your team unless you are posting a uber tier team.

Teams must follow this format:

  • Pokemon @ Items
  • Ability
  • Nature
  • EVs
  • Moveset
  • - Moveset 1
  • - Moveset 2
  • - Moveset 3
  • - Moveset 4

  • When posting your rmt thread have some actual words to say about your choices, what they do for your team and why they do it, one line sentances does not help the rater get an idea on why you chose your members.

  • Have a strategy for your team, posting 6 random OU or any other tier Pokemon does not get you anywhere, if it is an offensive team, tell us why it is an offensive team, is it bulky offense?

  • Avoid posting the same old repetitive team you posted before.

Something along those lines would improve the quality of the comepetive battling forum and make things more organized.

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  • Unless stated your team must consist of 6 pokemon, 1 from a different species (now more than one lucario per team for example).

This should just be expanded to "Standard rules apply unless otherwise noted."

  • There should be no ubers in your team unless you are posting a uber tier team.

While I see why you say that, there's more than a few cases where a good team can be made where it might involve some uber Pokemon. PBR, for example, or the official tournaments (it's debatable if Wobbuffet is really uber in Doubles, but that's a different topic.). And Battle Tower.

But that is still more or less covered by "Standard rules unless otherwise stated."

While I fully agree with your format + strategy and roles, there should be a few more requirements.

For the OP

  • Learn to accept criticism: You posted a team to be rated. Unless you're an expert (and even they can improve their teams), you'll have flaws. Maybe even a lot. Be willing to listen and make changes. Don't reject rates because "But it's my favorite" or "I won't use Blissey because she's used so much :( ".

For the Raters

  • Know what you're talking about: Don't post unless you're experienced in competitive aspect of battling. Different raters can have differing opinions, but there's a difference between different styles of battling and bad advice.
  • Fix the team: After you tear it apart, make suggestions. If the role can be filled with the same Pokemon, tweak the EVs/move set/nature/etc... If it's better done by another Pokemon, post a set and explain why it does better.
  • Don't be a jerk: Self explanatory. If they refuse to take your sound advice, that's one thing. But don't start a rate by being high and mighty.

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