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A place for discussion of my story, Caroline

Tag: The question “Why” just never seems to get answered. And when it does, we do not accept it. The mysteries of life—that of pain, hate, and numb—Tobee wants to know why. He wants to help save a girl gone astray. He wants to show her hope.

Please keep in mind that this is a personal favorite piece of mine.

It is rated Teen because of it, borderline Mature in spots.

I want this to be a place for a positive, healthy discussion, not for flames or bad critique. Constructive crit is welcome, however.

I hope the reading experience will be an enjoyable one for you all. This work truly gets a piece of heart and soul, showing what's been called my 'riveting poetic style.' Reviews are cherished on this piece, because I hold Caroline with such honor.

Edited by Poryhack
You had an extra http:// in your link. ;)
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Caroline Trivia!

(Just some fun facts you guys might be interested to know ;))

Caroline, in it's entirety, was created within two days. It was written in a chapter-by-chapter format, composing thirty-two chapters and an epilogue.

Caroline was then put together into a full-version, and I began the process of cleaning up the chapters.

Cleaning up spelling errors and grammar mistakes took about three months total.

The original chapters of Caroline were backed up only once, and now only those back-ups remain, as the flashdrive they were originally saved on died several months ago.

Each chapter of Caroline was named "I would like to write a song_[enter chapter number here]" because I was lazy and never deleted the first line out in replace of "Caroline" The first full-length verion was named "I would like to write a song_FULL"

The full version has 44 pages covered in Microsoft Word.

Caroline's character is the first of any characters I've ever made to recieve her own story, from beginning to end, and have a definate beginning and ending.

The entire storyline first came to me in a dream, and I woke up with a name rolling around in my head "Tobee."

This was the first time I took to writing a story in first person, and the first time to write a story through the eyes of a male.

Caroline was originally nameless, but I was listening to my iTunes playlist on shuffle while writing and the song "Caroline" by Seventh Day Slumber came on. The message of that song is nearly the same as what I'd been writing.

The name stuck.

More to come soon!!

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