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God I should really stop posting these xD... I guess I'm allowed as I haven't put my super secret new OU team up for rate :P .

Anyway, I have been working on a new UU team for ages, as I accidentally erased my two favourite UU teams :/. In making this new team I tried to apply the knowledge I've gained from playing in OU (making good EV spreads etc) and tried to apply it to this team. The aim of the team is to put Absol in a position to sweep. As always there's some unorthodox stuff so just bring an open mind haha.

This is the team -




The Don (Donphan) (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Sturdy

EVs: 160 HP/176 Atk/98 Def/76 SpDef

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Earthquake

- Ice Shard

- Stealth Rock

- Protect/Rapid Spin/Assurance

Donphan actually really works quite well as a lead. This lead is pretty much just a Mamoswine rip off, but made for UU where it can shine in the absence of swampert leads. As I have fully gone for a mamoswine rip off, the EV's put it at the same HP as Mamoswine with extra defensive bulk (Defence capping at a nice round and very usable 300) and enough special defence to take a 252 SpAtk Ice beam of off Froslass. The adamant nature Boosts the attack to get as close to Mamoswine as possible (as a lot are running jolly) and I've given it life orb for that extra kick. The attacking moves are pretty standard and using them in succession can provide some nice KO's. Stealth Rock is ... well stealth rock. The last move slot is a tough one to chose, but Protect gets more usage because in testing the lead it is the move that has helped out the most. Why have I chose to rip off mamo? because it's a fantastic lead :D

Thoughts on Rapid Spin vs Protect?


Physical Sweeper


Virgil (Absol) (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Super Luck

EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd

Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Sucker Punch

- Psycho Cut

- Superpower/Megahorn

Absol is who the team sort of revolves around. In my teams I prefer to sweep with the pokemon that I like, and though that can be a bit of a hindrance, I just prefer to play that way and I do better that way I find.

This is really just your bog-standard Priority sweeper. EV's are maxed to make the most of what he can do and the moveset provides nice coverage and a way of abusing super luck. I prefer running Megahorn over Superpower, however I lose coverage of steel types So I've gone to running Superpower more often. It's a shame he doesn't get brick break... or cross chop ... I can imagine that, swishing his head in a X like way.


Revenge Killer


Onetrick (Rapidash) (F) @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 232 Atk/180 Spd/96 SAtk

Naughty nature (+Atk, -SDef)

- Overheat/HP Grass

- Hypnosis

- Megahorn

- Flare Blitz

Onetrick is my all purpose pokemon and is commonly my go-to-gal. She puts things to sleep to help Mismagius or Absol sweep, she kills walls and outspeeds a hell of a lot of things. If Rapidash got U-Turn, she would be absolutely perfect :P. Her main purpose is to kill fast things by beating them and being faster - Her EVs were designed around countering hitmons (specifically hitmonlee), the most common switch in to Absol. She is also my houndoom/Dark/Alakazam/_other bug weak pokemon_ counter. The nature and EV's provide her enough killing power physically and specially. I loosely based on Flygon's choice set (as the attack + special attack are the same as flygons and they play pretty much the same) Less attack power is needed to function as Stab flare blitz does 20bp more than Flygon's EQ and with it megahorn gets some very notable OHKO's though I can't remember exactly which ones at the moment I just know I was surprised xD. So the excess was shimmied into Special attack (taking it to a nice 220 for Overheat to work off). I'm running overheat over HP grass more often at the moment as I'm not seeing a lot of quagsire, but when I start seeing them a bit more HP grass will come back with some EV toggling. Thoughts on HP grass vs Overheat?


Special Sweeper


Moira (Mismagius) (F) @ Life Orb

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk

Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Nasty Plot

- Substitute

- Thunderbolt

- Shadow Ball

Mismagius is your general special sweeper and provides great synergy with absol, it can with ease take fighting and bug type attacks and set up quite nicely and try to sweep. It's also a great spin blocker, though spinning has declined lately it is better to have a spin blocker than not have one, especially one that functions so well. I've chosen Tbolt of HP fighting as it gets more damage on Blaziken, while not being over specialised. It also nicely dents Slobro and Milotic after a nasty plot. I am contenplating giving special toxicroak a try (as I would then have a 1 water immunity, 1 electric immunity, one fire immunity, one poison immunity, 1 ground immunity and a psychic immunity) however another ground weakness could prove to be detrimental, and it's hard enough to cover as it is.


Special Tank


Elmo (Lanturn) (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Volt Absorb

EVs: 104 HP/76 Def/100 SAtk/228 SDef

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Discharge

- Surf/ice beam

- Charge Beam

- Substitute

Elmo - Annata's(female Lanturn) Male counterpart. This Lanturn is made to be more offensive than my other lanturn set. Elmo is really just an amalgamation of various Lanturn sets thrown into a blender, and is actually really effective. 100 Satk and a neutral nature allows me to take out all forms of rhyperior after SR (apart from the sand storm variant which doesn't seem to be running aorund much anyway) The HP EV's are designed to give Lanturn the Perfect HP number - 417. This is a perfect leftover number, an odd number so SR doesn't take as much of a toll, and allows for lanturn to take a phenominal 104HP worth of damage before the sub breaks. Sub is to protect while I boost with charge beam, discharge is to aid in parasweeping (new coinage :P) and is chose over Tbolt for that reason (plus after a couple boosts the difference doesn't really matter that much.) It's really a fantastic special tank :) . Thoughts on Ice beam vs Surf?




Auxi (Uxie) @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SDef

Relaxed nature (+ Def,- Spe)

- Reflect

- Heal Bell

- U-turn

- Psychic

This is my physical wall of choice and is chosen under my philosophy that walls must complement each other - and this does just that. A huge defence stat allows me to easily toggle between this and Elmo, and as it has levitate, Lanturn or the rest of the team doesn't have to worry about EQ - which gives me a great time to set up reflect to aid in any one of my setter uppers to set up. Heal bell fits nicely on the set to remove toxic and sleep (as Twave and Will-o are negated) U-turn is for scouting purposes - and given the nature of it's roll provides a nice way of passive damage while shuffling between the team. Psychic is put over memento as I'm really not a fan of pure kamikaze attacks, and I never used it - however I'm finding a lot of use out of psychic. It's also another good go-to-mon for when fighting or poison types threaten to attack. The serious nature is probably quick baffling, however, it is one of those rare occasions where a boost wouldn't be in my favour. It needs all the attack power it can get and it can't afford to lose any bulk. One on one it does have it's way with most physical attackers anyway (With reflect up pursuit off of houndoom did 14%)


Edited by Tbird


God I should really stop posting these xD... I guess I'm allowed as I haven't put my super secret new OU team up for rate :P .

Anyway, I have been working on a new UU team for ages, as I accidentally erased my two favourite UU teams :/. In making this new team I tried to apply the knowledge I've gained from playing in OU (making good EV spreads etc) and tried to apply it to this team. The aim of the team is to put Absol in a position to sweep. As always there's some unorthodox stuff so just bring an open mind haha.

This is the team -




The Don (Donphan) (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Sturdy

EVs: 160 HP/252 Atk/98 Def

Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Earthquake

- Ice Shard

- Stealth Rock

- Protect/Rapid Spin/Assurance

Donphan actually really works quite well as a lead. This lead is pretty much just a Mamoswine rip off, but made for UU where it can shine in the absence of swampert leads. As I have fully gone for a mamoswine rip off, the EV's put it at the same HP as Mamoswine with extra defensive bulk (Defence capping at a nice round and very usable 300). The adamant nature Boosts the attack to again match Mamoswine (as a lot are running jolly) and I've given it life orb for that extra kick. The attacking moves are pretty standard and using them in succession can provide some nice KO's. Stealth Rock is ... well stealth rock. The last moveslot is a tough one to chose, but Protect gets more usage because in testing the lead it is the move that has helped out the most. Why have I chose to rip off mamo? because it's a fantastic lead :D

Thoughts on Rapid Spin vs Protect?

Your Donphan eats it from Froslass, the most common lead in UU. Assurance can help, but you still take too much from Ice Beam (93.6% - 111.4%)

. Froslass can kill you than set up spikes and still be at full and have sash. Instead, I suggest running Assurance and Focus Sash, though you'll lose some attacking prowess that way, you can beat froslass one on one and set up rocks on his switch in while you have full health and sash if he spiked first, and set up rocks when he has no entry hazards if he Ice beam'd first.

Physical Sweeper


Virgil (Absol) (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Super Luck

EVs: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd

Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Sucker Punch

- Psycho Cut

- Superpower/Megahorn

Absol is who the team sort of revolves around. In my teams I prefer to sweep with the pokemon that I like, and though that can be a bit of a hindrance, I just prefer to play that way and I do better that way I find.

This is really just your bog-standard Priority sweeper. EV's are maxed to make the most of what he can do and the moveset provides nice coverage and a way of abusing super luck. I prefer running Megahorn over Superpower, however I lose coverage of steel types So I've gone to running Superpower more often. It's a shame he doesn't get brick break... or cross chop ... I can imagine that, swishing his head in a X like way.

I love this set. Absol is still one of my favorites, and SD takes the cake. I'm not sure how prevalent you've been finding fighting stuff, but most are fast enough that they'll kill you before you can psycho cut. Instead, night slash is always good, if they're setting up instead of attacking to screw up sucker punch. It also gets crits. Scope Lens is always fun, though Life Orb is more reliable. I've had scope lens + Super Luck +Nigh Slash crit through teams that would have otherwise survived, but really, it's your call. Superpower is WAY better than Megahorn on a CB set, but it's not OK on an SD set. Subtracting attack isn't helpful, though Absol can crit through it. Also, if you run Scope Lens, focus on SDing up, even if it leaves you with low HP. Adamant > Jolly, because your main attack is sucker punch.

Revenge Killer


Onetrick (Rapidash) (F) @ Choice Scarf

Ability: Flash Fire

EVs: 232 Atk/180 Spd/96 SAtk

Naughty nature (+Atk, -SDef)

- Overheat/HP Grass

- Hypnosis

- Megahorn

- Flare Blitz

Onetrick is my all purpose pokemon and is commonly my go-to-gal. She puts things to sleep to help Mismagius or Absol sweep, she kills walls and outspeeds a hell of a lot of things. If Rapidash got U-Turn, she would be absolutely perfect :P. Her main purpose is to kill fast things by beating them and being faster - Her EVs were designed around countering hitmons (specifically hitmonlee), the most common switch in to Absol. She is also my houndoom/Dark/Alakazam/_other bug weak pokemon_ counter. The nature and EV's provide her enough killing power physically and specially. I loosely based on Flygon's choice set (as the attack + special attack are the same as flygons and they play pretty much the same) Less attack power is needed to function as Stab flare blitz does 20bp more than Flygon's EQ and with it megahorn gets some very notable OHKO's though I can't remember exactly which ones at the moment I just know I was surprised xD. So the excess was shimmied into Special attack (taking it to a nice 220 for Overheat to work off). I'm running overheat over HP grass more often at the moment as I'm not seeing a lot of quagsire, but when I start seeing them a bit more HP grass will come back with some EV toggling. Thoughts on HP grass vs Overheat?

Seems good to me, as I can't see anything wanting replacement. You may want to tweak the ev's a bit for a perfect set, but that'll take a long time. Overheat is suitable for now, but if Quagsire and/or gastrodon get popular, run HP Grass. You have trouble with them.

Special Sweeper


Moira (Mismagius) (F) @ Life Orb

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 4 HP/252 Spd/252 SAtk

Timid nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Nasty Plot

- Substitute

- Thunderbolt

- Shadow Ball

Mismagius is your general special sweeper and provides great synergy with absol, it can with ease take fighting and bug type attacks and set up quite nicely and try to sweep. It's also a great spin blocker, though spinning has declined lately it is better to have a spin blocker than not have one, especially one that functions so well. I've chosen Tbolt of HP fighting as it gets more damage on Blaziken, while not being over specialised. It also nicely dents Slobro and Milotic after a nasty plot. I am contenplating giving special toxicroak a try (as I would then have a 1 water immunity, 1 electric immunity, one fire immunity, one poison immunity, 1 ground immunity and a psychic immunity) however another ground weakness could prove to be detrimental, and it's hard enough to cover as it is.

Seems good. Special toxicroak acts like Nasty Plot mixape in many ways, and it's really easy to sweep with. Mismagius is probably the better option here, though as it gets free switch-ins from Absol. On Absol, though, +2 Sucker Punch will do a WHOLE lot of damage to practically anyuthing, so don't be afraid to stay in against stuff, you may beat them down. Tbolt is great on Mismagius. Really, there's not much to say here. You can replace Sub with a coverage move or HP Grass if you want, though I wouldn't.

Special Tank


Elmo (Lanturn) (M) @ Leftovers

Ability: Volt Absorb

EVs: 104 HP/76 Def/100 SAtk/228 SDef

Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Discharge

- Surf/ice beam

- Charge Beam

- Substitute

Elmo - Annata's(female Lanturn) Male counterpart. This Lanturn is made to be more offensive than my other lanturn set. Elmo is really just an amalgamation of various Lanturn sets thrown into a blender, and is actually really effective. 100 Satk and a neutral nature allows me to take out all forms of rhyperior after SR (apart from the sand storm variant which doesn't seem to be running aorund much anyway) The HP EV's are designed to give Lanturn the Perfect HP number - 417. This is a perfect leftover number, an odd number so SR doesn't take as much of a toll, and allows for lanturn to take a phenominal 104HP worth of damage before the sub breaks. Sub is to protect while I boost with charge beam, discharge is to aid in parasweeping (new coinage :P) and is chose over Tbolt for that reason (plus after a couple boosts the difference doesn't really matter that much.) It's really a fantastic special tank :) . Thoughts on Ice beam vs Surf?

Seems good to me. I'm not to sure on Ice Beam v Surf, but I'm thinking that you'll want Ice Beam to deal with Venesaur, who's getting REALLY getting popular.



Auxi (Uxie) @ Leftovers

Ability: Levitate

EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 SDef

Serious nature (neutral)

- Reflect

- Heal Bell

- U-turn

- Psychic

This is my physical wall of choice and is chosen under my philosophy that walls must complement each other - and this does just that. A huge defence stat allows me to easily toggle between this and Elmo, and as it has levitate, Lanturn or the rest of the team doesn't have to worry about EQ - which gives me a great time to set up reflect to aid in any one of my setter uppers to set up. Heal bell fits nicely on the set to remove toxic and sleep (as Twave and Will-o are negated) U-turn is for scouting purposes - and given the nature of it's roll provides a nice way of passive damage while shuffling between the team. Psychic is put over memento as I'm really not a fan of pure kamikaze attacks, and I never used it - however I'm finding a lot of use out of psychic. It's also another good go-to-mon for when fighting or poison types threaten to attack. The serious nature is probably quick baffling, however, it is one of those rare occasions where a boost wouldn't be in my favour. It needs all the attack power it can get and it can't afford to lose any bulk. One on one it does have it's way with most physical attackers anyway (With reflect up pursuit off of houndoom did 14%)

For your nature, subtract speed. Rest seems fine to me.


Thanks Bob - I've fixed donphans EV's to allow him to take an ice beam - I just assumed he would take it :/. A combo of earthquake and ice shard now kill him while he can not do the same to me :D.

Thanks for the rest of the rate too :)


I've seen bulky Froslass running 248 HP/220 Def or something along that line, so beware of those. Run some damage calcs to see if you will do fine on them. It is uncommon but some Froslass leads run Ice Shard as well. But then again, only I do such crazy things (I ran Ice Shard on Ubers just to 2HKO Skymin leads). Also why do you and bob think Frossy is a guy? Frossy is a girl! >:/

I'd run Superpower even on an SD set for Absol, but it's your call. At least I had to on OU to 2HKO Skarmory, but Grassers and Poisons are more common in UU. Yeah scratch that, run Megahorn.

Toxicroak is mainly used to counter rain teams (but can also work as a standalone sweeper)... and you already have Lanturn for rain teams, so stick with Mismagius. Personally, I prefer the slower Sub + CM version of Mismagius. Nasty Plot doesn't cut it for me, as Mismagius likes to survive special hits rather than relying on its fragile subs early on. It is the same deal with Jynx. I don't really know what type of strategy your team is running however so if NP works for you keep it at that.

Run Relaxed on Uxie. Yeah Uxie has 95 base speed but you are not utilizing that anyways. If you don't want to jeopardize attack nor SpA nor any of the defense... let's cut some speed.

I've seen bulky Froslass running 248 HP/220 Def or something along that line, so beware of those. Run some damage calcs to see if you will do fine on them. It is uncommon but some Froslass leads run Ice Shard as well. But then again, only I do such crazy things (I ran Ice Shard on Ubers just to 2HKO Skymin leads). Also why do you and bob think Frossy is a guy? Frossy is a girl! >:/

I'd run Superpower even on an SD set for Absol, but it's your call. At least I had to on OU to 2HKO Skarmory, but Grassers and Poisons are more common in UU. Yeah scratch that, run Megahorn.

Toxicroak is mainly used to counter rain teams (but can also work as a standalone sweeper)... and you already have Lanturn for rain teams, so stick with Mismagius. Personally, I prefer the slower Sub + CM version of Mismagius. Nasty Plot doesn't cut it for me, as Mismagius likes to survive special hits rather than relying on its fragile subs early on. It is the same deal with Jynx. I don't really know what type of strategy your team is running however so if NP works for you keep it at that.

Run Relaxed on Uxie. Yeah Uxie has 95 base speed but you are not utilizing that anyways. If you don't want to jeopardize attack nor SpA nor any of the defense... let's cut some speed.

I'm going to start using megahorn more often ... see where it gets me. The Sub CM Mismagius didn't cut it for me back when I first tried it, though with a bit more experience it could be workable - though this is a more offence orientated team (if only slightly xD). And I suppose I can't think of anyone of the top of my head who I am outspeeding with a serious nature - so I'll give relaxed a try see how it treats me.

I've not come across a bulky froslass variant thus far so I don't want to over do it on the SpDef (atm I get 100.4% min damage on the standard ambipom - don't really want to dip below that). Though if they become a nuisance I'll just have to reconfigure the set a bit.

I've also noticed that atm I suck at fighting bulky waters ... Can anyone see a good spot for a strong grass attack or toxic?

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