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Event Pokemon PID/IV


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After downloading some legit event pokemon PCD/Pkm, I tried editing them using pokesav.. I found out that some event pokes have set natures while others have random natures, also I'm pretty sure that their IVs are also random. But after messing with the values I still have a question that I want to clear up.

There are two different types of gifts (Static/Dynamic), from what I found out, Static pokes must have the same nature while you can change the Nature of Dynamic pokes. But what I found what was interesting was that you can change the IV to anything 0-31 and the pokes were still legal with the Legal Checker. So my question is:

Are event pokes treated somewhat like eggs, in the case where the nature and IV don't have to correlate; so you can just ignore the PID/IV Generator when editing the PKM file? Or is there a bug with the Legal Checker?


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Half of the PIDIV is from the RNG, the other half is from the timer0.

The seed based RNG determines the IVs.

The hardware timer0 determines the PID.

They are separate. However, you should probably make your own unique PID that is not close to corresponding with an existing method, like you would for an egg.

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