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silly situation (zygarde unable to match encounter)


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im probably just being really stupid but i dont see why its saying it cant find an encounter if its the only place you can encounter zygarde in x and y?

update i also tried changing the met level multiple times and that didnt change anything

i recently modded my 3ds and im trying to complete my national dex but if i cant even gen a single pokemon legally then idk what to do (i care if the legendaries and mythicals are legal otherwise i wont be able to transfer them up to pokemon home) it would also be helpful if someone can get me legal templates for pokemon since i heard on other posts that they exist apparently


Edited by edwardyeeto
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36 minutes ago, BlackShark said:

You encounter Zygarde on level 70, not 25.

There's more than just the location and level that could be wrong. Hold ctrl and click on the triangle to get a detailed analysis.

You can use the Encounter Database (in Tools > Data) instead of trying to create the mon from scratch.

how do i drag the pokemon from the database into a box or the editor?

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