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BDSP Legends Moved To SV Have Met Location Problem


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I noticed that when transferring some Legendary Pokémon from BDSP to SV that they have an issue with the Met Location.

It is showing as the blank when transferred from HOME but those mons with that are being flagged as Illegal in PKHeX

0488 - Cresselia - B53B4B7BBF57.pk90485 - Heatran - 2F02D5CF537E.pk9

but if I change the Met Location to the ones they had in BDSP then PKHeX shows them as Legal.

0488 - Cresselia - B6CC4B7BBF57.pk90485 - Heatran - 3009D5CF537E.pk9

Note that I have only transferred as few Pokémon from BDSP so I don't know if others have this issue too.

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1 hour ago, foohyfooh said:

I had check with and without the tracker to the same results. I just removed the tracker for uploading purposes on these files.

To be frank I didn't look at any of your files so I don't know about the tracker scenario. I'm not sure if PKHeX implemented a check for mons with no location without a tracker, so just hasn't implemented a 'lack of location' check.

In any case, the location being eaten is something that HOME does, as my screenshots provided mention :)

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35 minutes ago, ERNESTO JG said:

Por que no Cambia el HOME Tracker?



PKHeX has a setting on whether to ignore if a trackers exist. Since yours “became legal”, it is ignoring the lack of tracker.

Also don’t understand why you sent a video. Sounds like the same thing the OP described. 

HOME can remove the location legally, it’s a known thing.

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8 hours ago, ERNESTO JG said:

It was just to ask why the HOME TRACKER doesn't change, thanks for the information

“Why the HOME tracker doesn’t change”?

not sure I understand the premise of the question correctly; based on what I’m reading, it seems like you think PKHeX assigns or modified the HOME tracker? It doesn’t.

PKHeX doesn’t assign HOME trackers and you only get one on a mon if you deposit the Mon into HOME.

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