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How to reset PKNX


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I have PKNX working fine but for some reason all of the evolutions and tm compatibility and likely other things are randomized. I don't remember ever doing this but even if I did accidently I want to undo it. I just want every Pokémon to have nothing changed about them and be like they are in regular sword and shield so I can edit them myself. I tried redownloading PKNX and redumping my game but it didn't fix the problem. 

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pkNX edits a folder that contains a ROM dump. Any files that are changed from the ROM dump are stored in the ROM dump's folder, inside a 16-digit folder (ROM's Title ID). This Title  ID folder is what you copy to your console, and the console's layeredfs feature will load the files from that folder instead of the cart/SD when requested by the game.

When loading files to edit, pkNX checks the Title ID folder to see if the file has been edited. If it exists, it loads it, otherwise, it reads it from the unmodified romfs.

When you wish to revert modifications completely, you go into the Title ID folder and delete the modded files, so that pkNX loads from the unmodified romfs. When the files are deleted, the modded files will be gone, and you should be seeing unmodified data in-game and in the editor.

If you are seeing randomized data in a fresh ROM dump, then you either didn't open the correct ROM dump folder, or you pirated a pre-modded ROM. Neither of which are issues with pkNX. pkNX does not load data that does not exist. It is up to you to ensure you are copying files and managing mods correctly; pkNX is just a program that loads data from where it is told to load from, same as the console.

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I've redumped my rom and reinstalled a completely new rom as well and the changes are still the same. It's not a pre modded rom either as the changes that are made are consistent with what my originally randomized changes were. My guess is that yuzu is saving the changes I've made to my rom but I don't understand why. I've redumped the rom numerous times but it still gives me the same weird randomized files. I'm really at a loss as to why it does this even after I deleted my romfs and tried to start fresh.

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I'm officially at a loss. I went for the nuclear option and deleted yuzu entirely to try and erase all previous data from it and it STILL has my game randomized no matter how I dump the game or where I get it from. I know you have tried to help already @Kaphoticsand I do appreciate that a lot but If you have any more suggestions or even just things for to try or take a gamble on please let me know. 

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