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Researching for Jailbreaking EMUNAND vs SYSNAND


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I have done a lot of googling to get an exact answer to some of my questions, but a lot of the jailbreaking answers out there are more generalized so I was hoping y'all could help answer specific questions since all of mine basically revolve around PKHex.

1. I read a lot of places that it is better to use a CFW EMUNAND as opposed to SYSNAND, however I also saw that you could not connect to home using an EMUNAND so what would be the best way to do things if I wanted to put my PKHex'd pokkemon on Home for transferring between my other games?

2. I also saw that as long as I don't have any illegal downloads/illegal themes etc. I will most likely (not 100% won't) get banned by nintendo even if I have a CFW sysnand so I was wondering if I used PKHex to edit my save file if that would be detected by Nintendo or if it would look mostly legit enough to pass and that as long as I legally own the game I'd be fine connecting to the internet (mainly just want to connect to Home, I am not using these pokemon for any competitive battles or anything).

These were the main questions I had that I could not find any answers that cleared them up on the internet so any help would be appreciated!

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2 hours ago, jackio said:

im speaking in my experience.

i usually run sysCFW with a legal copy of sword/arceus/scarlet, and for the first 2 i was able to conect home without problem and didnt had any issue so far. nd i have using pkhex a lot

Okay sweet that makes sense, I’ve heard checkpoints leaves traces but I guess nothing that really makes a difference? 

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Do I need EmuNAND for my Switch?
EmuNAND is only if you want to do potentially bannable things offline.  You do not need one if you are not doing bannable things. None of the projects here need to be run on EmuNAND, particularly if you want to go online, and we generally will not provide support for whatever you are doing on one.

Can I go online on EmuNAND?
This is not recommended even if you haven't done bannable things on it, especially if you've been online on SysNAND.  Uploading mismatched system logs to Nintendo, or clearing your system logs, is bannable.

Is it safer for me to edit in SysCFW and then boot in OFW?
These are the same partition. Editing in SysCFW writes to the same place that OFW boots from.  Bannable things are still bannable in OFW.  It can be slightly less safe to boot into OFW after SysCFW due to telemetry reasons, but bans have not been connected to this.

What if I already created an EmuNAND?
You can reformat to erase it and reclaim space, or simply ignore it and stick to using SysNAND. 

Information about Switch Bans and an explanation of how emuNAND is supposed to work:

Known Ban risks:

Edited by Atrius97
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