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  1. Okay sweet that makes sense, I’ve heard checkpoints leaves traces but I guess nothing that really makes a difference?
  2. I have done a lot of googling to get an exact answer to some of my questions, but a lot of the jailbreaking answers out there are more generalized so I was hoping y'all could help answer specific questions since all of mine basically revolve around PKHex. 1. I read a lot of places that it is better to use a CFW EMUNAND as opposed to SYSNAND, however I also saw that you could not connect to home using an EMUNAND so what would be the best way to do things if I wanted to put my PKHex'd pokkemon on Home for transferring between my other games? 2. I also saw that as long as I don't have any illegal downloads/illegal themes etc. I will most likely (not 100% won't) get banned by nintendo even if I have a CFW sysnand so I was wondering if I used PKHex to edit my save file if that would be detected by Nintendo or if it would look mostly legit enough to pass and that as long as I legally own the game I'd be fine connecting to the internet (mainly just want to connect to Home, I am not using these pokemon for any competitive battles or anything). These were the main questions I had that I could not find any answers that cleared them up on the internet so any help would be appreciated!
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